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5 for ID, Lancashire UK (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
More micro's and small macro's for ID, I really can't get my head round these! Number one may be a Mottled Rustic and sorry for the bad quality of photo 5 but my camera wouldn't focus on it, it was about the length and stance of a Bee Moth. Any help appreciated.


Cheers Jonny
My best guesses would be

1. Mottled Rustic
2. Crambus pascuella
3. Small Rivulet
4. Blastobasis lacticolella
5. Bee moth
Thanks for those and the micro's are very interesting! Crambus pascuella is a new species for my 10km square, Small Rivulet is the first record for for my 10km square for at least 20 years and Blastobasis lacticolella is the first record for for my 10km square for at least 10 years.

Are you sure that 5 is a Bee Moth though, doesn't look like any I have caught before?
Yeah,it is a male bee moth. They are smaller than the females and more contrasting. I attract alot more females than males and (50 females with only 6 males this year) and last year I didnt get a single male! I have no idea why.
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