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A Week in Kuwait and the UAE (and an hour in Oman) (1 Viewer)

Jeff Hopkins

Just another...observer
United States
I recently tacked a week in Kuwait and the UAE onto an organized tour in Ethiopia. It was partly for sightseeing and partly for birding. In a little over 3 days of birding I saw 89 species, 17 of which were lifers. Not bad for countries that basically consist of big cities and deserts.

A lot of European birders go to Kuwait to add to their Western Palearctic lists, but it really isn't on the radar for American birders. It's easily one of the easiest places to see Hypocolius. The UAE has more species variety in winter, so I spent more time birding there. Socotra Cormorant was a major target, but several other species found mostly in Iran and Central Asia winter there.

I've written a trip report which has been loaded to CloudBirders. Enjoy!
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Nice report. Brings back some good memories - I had a week in UAE last January. Very jealous of the Bustard, Hypocolius & Greater Hoopoe-lark.
Kuwait is definitely the place for the Hypocolius! Between the three flocks we estimated that we saw 80 or more.

The bustard shows up in eBird as "Exotic : Provisional", so if that makes a difference to you, try Kazakhstan.

That was a good read. Thanks
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