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Allbinos Review of the Vortex Crossfire HD 10x42 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Allbinos has released a new review. In this case, following on the last review of the cheapest model in the Vortex roof range, the Triumph, now they have inspected what was the cheapest Vortex roof prior to the launch of the Triumph.

I like when Allbinos focuses several reviews, like a "collection" on a particular topic. For example, the extensive review of 12x models they've carried out lately, or now the review of the entry-level Vortex.

Having had the Diamondback HD, which according to Allbinos is a step up, and also the SvBony, which performs at least as well as the Diamondback HD if not better in some areas, I think I can see a move from Vortex here. If I remember correctly (I'm happy to stand corrected), previously not all of their models had the VIP warranty, I think the lower-end models did not enjoy it. But now it seems that models with the logical cost-cutting compromises (which are not meant to last forever under regular use) also have the warranty. I wonder if it's a way to "fight" the wave of Chinese brands offering better performance for less money. In my case, if I had to choose for a Diamondback HD for around 200 € or a SvBony for around 100 €, the choice would be clear (let alone talking about the Crossfire)... but then you have the shadow of sample variation creeping in, which might scare you off when facing replacement/repairs with a less known brand... so maybe Vortex is offering the VIP warranty to compensate for that (don't know, just a hypothesis here).
What do you reckon? The entry level area is getting more and more exciting, the same way the middle range has been getting really attractive over the last years, let alone the 1000 €/$ range, where you are spoilt for choice of terrific models.
Allbinos has released a new review. In this case, following on the last review of the cheapest model in the Vortex roof range, the Triumph, now they have inspected what was the cheapest Vortex roof prior to the launch of the Triumph.

I like when Allbinos focuses several reviews, like a "collection" on a particular topic. For example, the extensive review of 12x models they've carried out lately, or now the review of the entry-level Vortex.

Having had the Diamondback HD, which according to Allbinos is a step up, and also the SvBony, which performs at least as well as the Diamondback HD if not better in some areas, I think I can see a move from Vortex here. If I remember correctly (I'm happy to stand corrected), previously not all of their models had the VIP warranty, I think the lower-end models did not enjoy it. But now it seems that models with the logical cost-cutting compromises (which are not meant to last forever under regular use) also have the warranty. I wonder if it's a way to "fight" the wave of Chinese brands offering better performance for less money. In my case, if I had to choose for a Diamondback HD for around 200 € or a SvBony for around 100 €, the choice would be clear (let alone talking about the Crossfire)... but then you have the shadow of sample variation creeping in, which might scare you off when facing replacement/repairs with a less known brand... so maybe Vortex is offering the VIP warranty to compensate for that (don't know, just a hypothesis here).
What do you reckon? The entry level area is getting more and more exciting, the same way the middle range has been getting really attractive over the last years, let alone the 1000 €/$ range, where you are spoilt for choice of terrific models.
What you say makes logical sense and from history of other products the path is well trodden.

The Svbony performance is (say) equal or better than the Diamondback, so what options do the Vortex management team have? ..... drop price Vs add perceived value with extras such as Warranty. The cost of warranty is probably fairly well known.... so they have probably chosen that cost instead of dropping profit margin on every bin sold. Net result is keeping a higher margin overall, but eroded from before.

The Svbony pricing structure will likely be different to Vortex..... I would guess the total product costs to be possibly higher (better specs), the distribution and marketing costs lower, the warranty costs TBD (IME Svbony are good and replace if a problem found).

In terms of perceived Svbony product variation..... I have 8 in total ( 2 sets). I have not perceived any variation, but not attempted back to back checks either.

The goal of most businesses is to trade their products in the highest tier possible, where the profit margins are greatest. To get there, they often introduce higher performing products at lower price points, with lower profit margins and begin to nibble away at the competition. The protected top tier (Swaro, Zeiss, Leica) are safe for the present, but performance wise the middle ground is changing rapidly as better performing products become more common place.

With low volume top tier products, there will always be those who are willing to pay much more for tiny gains, it's whether the manufacturers can or are willing to keep producing if these numbers decline.
I would guess that Vortex isn't too worried about companies like Svbony. In their primary market of the U.S., Vortex is quite popular, stocked in most retailers, and has a good reputation. I've never heard of Svbony except a few times on this forum. People who buy entry-level bins aren't going to spend hours online researching or buy multiple pairs to test. They sure aren't going to know anything about chromatic aberration or color transmission. They'll get what's popular and available, and are probably going to be lured by accessories and warranties, both of which are offered by Vortex.
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