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An Afternoon in Portrush (1 Viewer)


love the birds!!!
Northern Ireland
A short drive up to Portrush today bagged me 2 lifers (Purple Sandpiper and Sanderling). A lovely breezy afternoon to walk around the northeastern rocks of the town. im not very good at writing reports so here is my list and a few photos:

2 Common Woodpigeon
20 Eurasian Oystercatcher
1 Common Ringed Plover
5 Ruddy Turnstone
3 Sanderling (!)
30 Purple Sandpiper (!)
5 Common Redshank
20 Herring Gull
2 Great Black-backed Gull
20 Common Starling
1 Pied Wagtail


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I remember the second photo from the Gallery as well. Not too many species but quite a few goodies among them. It's all frozen now around where I live, and as a general precaution these waders and Woodpigeon never want to winter here.
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