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Any bird guide for Mexico? (1 Viewer)


One alternative not discussed above that is also really good for the area but which is missing about 10 endemic species from the north of the state of Yucatan is this one:
I used it (as the only resource I brought along) for especially the Southern area of QRoo on my last visit to the area.

I just got back from visiting family in Mérida, and although I had Howell & Webb along, I never bothered to take it out of my bag, honestly. I stuck with H&W for pre-trip prep/study, but during the trip I relied exclusively on the Peterson Northern Central America. For some species which were similar to those included, or in at least one case, where a split (S. coerulescens vs. S. grandis) occurred post-publication, I simply wrote in notes by the appropriate entry. I never really felt handicapped by relying on this volume, honestly, and it's plenty portable for field use. I know this would not be useful guidance for the isthmus or West of the isthmus, but in the Yucatan peninsula I think it's well worth having along.
I just got back from visiting family in Mérida, and although I had Howell & Webb along, I never bothered to take it out of my bag, honestly. I stuck with H&W for pre-trip prep/study, but during the trip I relied exclusively on the Peterson Northern Central America. For some species which were similar to those included, or in at least one case, where a split (S. coerulescens vs. S. grandis) occurred post-publication, I simply wrote in notes by the appropriate entry. I never really felt handicapped by relying on this volume, honestly, and it's plenty portable for field use. I know this would not be useful guidance for the isthmus or West of the isthmus, but in the Yucatan peninsula I think it's well worth having along.
As mentioned before, there are a few species not covered in the book near to where you were, for example

However, if that is kept in mind, then I agree that this is a very useful book for Yucatan.
I found Merlin wasn't too bad by itself. I also had Howell & webb and Vallely & Dyer (both on my phone). These latter 2 useful for the difficult ones like flycatchers
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