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Any bird guide for Peru? (4 Viewers)


Sergio López Martín
Hello everyone! Could you recommend me some books to identify Peruvian birds? I will visit the country this summer and I would like to start taking a look to the birds I might find there.

I will spend most of the time in the rainforest areas of Madre de Dios and Cusco departments, but I will try to visit some other habitats too (including the coastline).

For the moment, I have only found this book, but I don't know if there are any other interesting options or if I should wait for any upcoming new guide (since I won't be leaving until summer).

Thanks in advance!
That's still the main guide--no other serious contenders afaik. There is also an app that has the calls and is somewhat more up to date with current taxonomy. The book is fairly heavy, so the app is nice to have. Though I believe the authors are no longer updating the app.
That's still the main guide--no other serious contenders afaik. There is also an app that has the calls and is somewhat more up to date with current taxonomy. The book is fairly heavy, so the app is nice to have. Though I believe the authors are no longer updating the app.
Do you mean an app based on the book? And... do you know if the app can be used without internet? I will be out of range most of the time.
Pretty sure you can buy an e- version of the guide. I forget the format: I always convert to pdf. I think I saw this being given away at one point (presumably project Muse).

Also suggest adding Merlin with appropriate Peru pack (assume it exists). The apps are based on the birds of Northern South America book I think: at least those for Ecuador etc. It might be worth getting that if you don't have nsam.

Edit: if they've (finally) converted birds of Peru to an app, check which version it's based on. For example the east Africa app is based on the significantly different older version 1 of the book: having the 2nd ed was important there
Yes, as suggested above, Merlin also has a bird pack for Peru which is free. I haven't used it extensively, but it should have photos and some songs/calls. Just download the Merlin app and then download the pack.
Edit: if they've (finally) converted birds of Peru to an app, check which version it's based on. For example the east Africa app is based on the significantly different older version 1 of the book: having the 2nd ed was important there
As I indicated above, the app is more up to date than the most recent version of the book.
Yes sorry: think messages crossed. Is there any comparison (presume just taxonomy which has changed..?)
I don't recall all the changes, but I think the main thing is that a few new birds were added that aren't in the hard copy, e.g. Leymebamba Antpitta, which has been split from Rusty-breasted Antpitta.
I don't recall all the changes, but I think the main thing is that a few new birds were added that aren't in the hard copy, e.g. Leymebamba Antpitta, which has been split from Rusty-breasted Antpitta.
Ok thanks. I'll see if I can find info anywhere
Quite pricey for being updated to the 2016 taxonomy
Thank you all for your help!

I forgot to mention the Merlin app in the original post, but yes, I have already downloaded it :).

Regarding "Birds of Peru", I think my only option is to buy the book, since it seems the app is not available for my phone. You have mentioned some new species and splits in the latest app version, but... will these changes mean a big problem for me?
Thank you all for your help!

I forgot to mention the Merlin app in the original post, but yes, I have already downloaded it :).

Regarding "Birds of Peru", I think my only option is to buy the book, since it seems the app is not available for my phone. You have mentioned some new species and splits in the latest app version, but... will these changes mean a big problem for me?
Well don't forget there's the e- version of the book [e.g. a PDF rather than an app]. I wouldn't want to lug something so huge around—and I have it on paper too!

...on splits. If it's only updated to 2016 then the app's probably out of date too. These are fast moving things... ...and entirely subjective. What you might do is take the appropriate version of the Peru list (e.g. IoC or clements file for the right year), and get the list of subspecies which are meant to occur in Peru. In most cases changes are just subspecies elevations to full species. It'd give you some idea of what to look for (and comparing this list with later ones should indicate which sspp got split). If you have a guide [person] chances are they'll use an entirely different list which will likely not be up-to-date. To the extent there's crossover (that you'll be using the same taxonomy) it'll be on the basis of the book or the associated app. You can rest assured that neither the book nor the app will match Merlin !
Merlin will be up to date per fall 2022. Therefore you should find Gould's Inca as a species rather than as subspecies in this app (just to mention one example).
A good guide should hopefully include the distinctive forms. I just go through pre-trip and write in taxonomic changes into the book directly. Although that may horrify some bibliophiles here!
If it's only updated to 2016 then the app's probably out of date too. These are fast moving things...
Yes, the app only has a few of the taxonomic changes. A raft of new changes to eBird/Clements came down in October – right in the middle of my trip to northern Peru! So some birds that I was looking at suddenly became life birds for me and several others had different names. I always compare field guides to eBird bar charts and/or their submit list before going on a trip; this will make you aware of the most recent changes (assuming you are following their taxonomy and nomenclature of course). But of course it doesn't help if the changes occur during your trip.:LOL:
don't forget there's the e- version of the book [e.g. a PDF
However, I have read some negative comments about the e-book. You can check some of them in the Amazon reviews:

Merlin will be up to date per fall 2022. Therefore you should find Gould's Inca as a species rather than as subspecies in this app (just to mention one example).
hmm missed that split. What was the rationale? (I've just checked opus, wikipedia, iucn and they don't have taxonomic refs)
hmm missed that split. What was the rationale? (I've just checked opus, wikipedia, iucn and they don't have taxonomic refs)
Here is something from IOC
Green IncaCoeligena conradii ADD AS Black IncaGreen Inca Coeligena conradii is split from Collared Inca C. torquata based on differences in plumage (del Hoyo & Collar 2014; Donegan et al. 2015; HBW/BLI).
Gould's Inca Coeligena inca ADD AS Collared Inca Gould's Inca Coeligena inca (including omissa) is split from Collared Inca C. torquata based on differences in plumage and genetic differentiation (Schuchmann 1999; del Hoyo & Collar 2014; McGuire et al. 2014; HBW/BLI. Contra SACC 140).
Strangely, search of our taxonomy section does not easily find a discussion of this.
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