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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Anybody using the XT-1 (1 Viewer)

I've been using it for quite a while now, and think its one of the best I've ever used.
does any one use this camera and whats your thoughts on it
I sold all my canon gear last year and bought the X-T1, X-T10, plus 5 lenses. I shot 3 weddings over the summer, plenty of events (conferences etc) and will be taking it to Sierra Leone at he end of Feb, and Zimbabwe at the end of March. I'm trying to work out how to get the new XF 100-400 lens for the wildlife :) I love x-trans sensor, the ability to shot Fuji Velvia jpegs as well as raw. I often find myself using the jpegs straight out the camera as they look better than the raws via Lightroom 6. Funny enough, this camera has reignited my love of taking photos, and I'll often just walk around the local park to "play". I'll add some "park pictures" when I get home. Martin
some park pics with the Fuji X-T10


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Had mine for almost 2 years and I never leave home without it.

100-400 arrives shortly and that will do it for me....

Until the X-T2 arrives :D
I have the XT-1.

It is brilliant, light and an ease to use. I use it for close-ups, butterflies, plants and general shots, and it is very good, I can't fault it. It's expensive along with the lenses, it can't match the big Nikon, nor should it.

If you own Oly lenses, then I would go down that brand route. I would steer clear of Nikon's mirror offerings,

For bird photography you need to be close, but I'm fussy and images have to sharp to be acceptable. The Fuji will give you these but at the moment I don't have the 400mm lens, so I'm a bit limited. The new software updates should improve AF.

I'd be keen to see just what results can be obtained from the new 400mm lens.
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