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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Anyone with a Zeiss Harpia 95 in Southern Germany willing to let me have a look through? (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi all,

this is my first post here, I came across this forum because it is by now long overdue to replace my 30 year old Kowa TSN-2. During our recent birding holiday at the French Bretagne, my wife has finally given in, and the decision to get a new spotting scope has been made. I read a lot, and finally the choice boiled down to either buy a Svarowski ATX 85 or a Zeiss Victory Harpia 95. I have a friend who owns an ATX 85, but no one I know of owns a Harpia 95. I am leaning towards the latter, but I won't make a final decision without having had a look through both of them next to each other to have a direct comparison.
I am living in Stuttgart, Germany, so if there is someone with a Harpia 95 in geographic reach (i.e. Southern Germany, I wouldn't bother to drive 200km in any direction), I would be very pleased to get an opportunity to look through it. I am fully vaccinated and boostered and would do an antigene test prior to a meeting, which would ideally take place outside at a nice birding location (Federsee, Lake of Constance or where ever it would suit you).
It would be really cool if there would be someone out there reaching out to me..... Happy new year to all of you, toorude.
you have a very good shop at your proximity: try

very cool shop - ask if they have the Harpia available...



also the first - but hopefully not last - post by me ;-)

Did you succeed in finding someone in with a Zeiss or did you pick one yourself? As I, just as you, seek to buy a scope and cannot decide which, would you be willing to share your impression, or maybe even an hour in the field? I consider testing in the field much different to testing in the shop - even though they really are very good.

Kind regard,
Hello Toorude and Lasse,
welcome to birdforum!

I cant help with the latest alpha modells (still satisfied with my Kowa TSN-4, yes, I see a difference to the newer scopes), but I hope, you both will find an opportunity to test them.
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