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Attenborough nature reserve. Nottinghamshire Uk. Help with Identification. (1 Viewer)

Hi everyone. I saw a diving duck today that I wasn’t able to ID myself and was hoping someone will be able to help. The photos aren’t the best.

What I can say for it was that it was diving down with greater regularity and staying down for longer than I’ve seen of any other duck. And it had a really pronounced “leap” upwards each time it dived and a good shake each time it emerged.

In terms of plumage or markings. Mainly silver and black head and neck with a noticeable red dab at the back of a possible blueish beak.

Hope the above is helpful. Unfortunately I left my bird book on a post when I was paying for parking so can’t cross reference at the minute!😔

Edit. My mrs has just found my bird guide on the shoe rack😄



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