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August in Colombia with Cartagena as arrival spot? (1 Viewer)


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Nothing has been decided, but It looks like we can get a reasonably cheap fare to Cartagene for the second half of August. Is that a good idea? What would be locations in that part of Colombia worth doing? Would it be better to spend a bit more to land elsewhere in Colombia?

How about climate at that time? (My last trip to Panama had a couple of day so wet that birding was impossible, and I worry about land slides)

I have usually rented my own vehicle when traveling (including in Ecuador). That has not been mentioned in the threads I have read, is that out of reach for some reason or another?

Any feedback welcome, I feel utterly confused with what to do and where in Colombia.

Depends on how much driving you want to do, but with a 2hr 30min drive you can be in the area of Barranquilla and about 6hr from the Santa Marta mountains, depending on how much time you have, it would be a worthwhile experience with lots of regional endemics.

Weather wise it would be hot, but that's normal for the tropics, the big plus is that the average rainfall around Cartagena is manageable: Cartagena August Weather, Average Temperature (Colombia) - Weather Spark.
Time of year is not great for birds unfortunately. Many species will be looking tatty and diversity will be reduced (we were in Colombia in July some years ago)
Thank you both. I expect to have a couple of weeks so a six hour drive is not a problem. Thanks for the link to weather spark. I am surprised there is no real influence from the hurricane season on rainfall in this northern area of Colombia. That was the case in Panama when we visited in August.

The reduced diversity: is that due to lack of North American migrants? I have seen most of those elsewhere, so not that concerned about those. The tatty looking local birds would be a bigger problem.

With my job, time for travel is to mostly decided by others. Second half of August is a time where I can get away.
The reduced diversity: is that due to lack of North American migrants? I have seen most of those elsewhere, so not that concerned about those. The tatty looking local birds would be a bigger problem.
In part. The experience I relate was for central Colombia and that Northern coast is very different phenologically, I think. However, I think Northern winter is the time for peak activity (certainly good when I was there at Christmas some years ago). Its v much affected by whatever el nino/a is in play; this can cause havoc with distributions, expected species
With my job, time for travel is to mostly decided by others. Second half of August is a time where I can get away.
Leave as late as possible. Also, your plans are decided, but if not, what about Mexico. My recent attempt to catch "peak" migration there was somewhat unsuccessful (end March: too dry, no hummers) but you'd probably get a really good wack in late August

Edit: Mexico actually had more endemics than Colombia according to avibase: 114 vs 84
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Thanks for the input. My reason for thinking Colombia is that we can get to there reasonably easily with Copa airlines through Panama. We have been to central Mexico once and Yucatán 4-5 times, and travel would go through Miami, somewhat more expensive.

One thing I am considering is this question: would 2 weeks be too long in northern Colombia, should we try to add on? And my very basic question about self-driving is still out there.
On driving: I'm not sure how useful the car would be in Santa Marta upper area itself. Better to take a moto from minca. Useful around minca up to proaves lodge but not essential.

Lots of public transport throughout which gets you to all the places you'd want to visit. I haven't hired myself but don't see why it should difficult to. Personally, I could easily spend 2 weeks'in the area. With transport and if I got bored I'd go somewhere like perija (or macuira just to be different)
August is a bit rainy, though that might only really be an issue in the mountain (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Perija) as the lowlands are pretty arid. The exception being Tayrona area. You can pretty easily self-drive everything except the Sierra Nevada. There you would need to arrange for tranport from Minca up to El Dorado lodge or one of the other, cheaper basic accommodation options on the ridge.

Honestly, if I were to do Colombia in August I would focus on any combo of the following 3 areas with international flights in/out of Bogota:

1. San Jose del Guaviare - in addition to interesting birding, at this time of year you can see the spectacular rio tranquilandia with the aquatic bloom in full glory Caño Cristales' Long-Lost Twin - Tranquilandia in Guaviare. You can do a 7-10 day itinerary by vehicle birding down the east slope to Villavicencio, maybe visiting the new Harpy Eagle reserve near Vista Hermosa on the N edge of the Macarena Mountains, then on to San Jose del Guaviare. Drive or fly back to Bogota.

2. Upper Magdalena area - El Encanto Ecolodge and San Agustin Archeological Park. It is dry season in August in this area according to rainfall data I've been able to find online and El Encanto is particular is superb. Few place have better feeder setups and you can get Hooded and White-bellied Antpitta, Tolima Dove, Schwartz's Antthrush, Red-bellied Grackles at feeders as well as 12-15 hummingbird species including Tolima Blossmcrown, Shining-green Hummingbird, Short-tailed Emerald and Gorgeted Woodstar. From here you can dip over to the eastern slope around Mocoa where there is more fantastic birding and an excellent local guide Edilson Rosero Log in to Facebook

3. Leticia - austral migrants will be around and August is also the drier season. Lots of excellent birding available. Contact Otto Valerio of Amazon Bird Lodge (a basic lodge ourtside Puerto Narino) Log in to Facebook

Let me know if you want more info on Colombia.

Otherwise, you might consider (though you probably have) other options that are best during the boreal summer such as Peru/Brazil/Patagonia/Papua etc.
Thank you Avery, your post gives food for thought.

Firstly, why Colombia? I can travel with Copa Airlines from Barbados to Colombia via Panama relatively cheaply compared to some of the other locations I considered. And Cartagena a couple of hundred $ cheaper than other places in Colombia. Plus, I have never visited Colombia, while I have been to Ecuador twice (and Panama three times).

However, your description of the weather and other places in Colombia makes me second guess the focus on the Santa Marta area I have had until now. Especially the second option sounds enticing.

Thank you Avery, your post gives food for thought.

Firstly, why Colombia? I can travel with Copa Airlines from Barbados to Colombia via Panama relatively cheaply compared to some of the other locations I considered. And Cartagena a couple of hundred $ cheaper than other places in Colombia. Plus, I have never visited Colombia, while I have been to Ecuador twice (and Panama three times).

However, your description of the weather and other places in Colombia makes me second guess the focus on the Santa Marta area I have had until now. Especially the second option sounds enticing.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want any other info on Colombia Niels
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