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Benji's 2024 list (1 Viewer)

A few more from RSPB Otmoor today:

70. Reed Bunting
71. Stonechat
72. Golden Plover
73. Bullfinch

Also my first butterfly
1. Comma

And another mammal
5. Chinese Water Deer (lifer)

Year List - 73, Garden List - 19, Butterflies - 1, Mammals - 5, Lifers 3 (this only includes birds)
Got a couple yesterday
74. Blackcap

And a garden tick
20. Canada Goose

I'm going a bit slow at the moment, hoping to get a few more soonish, including possible going for a little gull seen nearby tomorrow.

Year List - 74, Garden List - 20, Butterflies - 1, Mammals - 5, Lifers - 3
A few from a trip to RSPB Rainham Marshes today

78. Grasshopper Warbler - Lifer (will have to double check later as I got a photo which is quite likely it, but I've never seen one before!)
79. Wheatear - Lifer (taken me far to long to add this to my life list!)
80. Marsh Harrier
81. Sedge Warbler
82. Reed Warbler
83. Common Whitethroat
84. Barn Swallow
85. Pied Avocet

Year List - 85, Garden List - 20, Butterflies - 3, Herps - 1, Lifers - 6
A couple new ones:

89. Osprey
90. Little Ringed Plover
91. Common Cuckoo (first time I've actually seen one!)

Also a couple of butterflies which I've yet to ID

Year List - 91, Garden List - 23, Butterflies - 4, Herps - 1, Lifers - 7
A couple more:

Year List:
Wilstone Reservoir
92. Treecreeper
Rainham Marshes
93. Bearded Reedling (lifer)

5. Meadow Brown
6. Marbled White

Also my first wild seal sunbathing on the edge of the thames! (I'll post a photo later)

Year List - 93, Garden List - 23, Butterflies - 6, Herps 1, Mammals - 6, Lifers - 8

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