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Berlin July/August (1 Viewer)


Green Birder
Hi all, I will be visiting Berlin for 10 Days as of next week. Any tips on sites and species to look out for in the surrounding areas? Thanks all!
It depends a bit on how mobile you are and which distances you are prepared to travel. There are several places in the region that might be of interest.

A day trip to the Lower Oder Valley National Park is definitely doable; I recommend taking the train (or a car) to Schwedt and renting a bike locally (I *think* there is a bicycle rental somewhere, you'll have to double-check though). Alternatively, you could bring a bicycle from Berlin; IIRC the regional trains have bike compartments in one of the cars.
Here's an opus article on the place, unfortunately not quite finished. The species listed under the "check-list" are actually my day list from my visit in June 2017 (the bicycle tour mentioned above is from another user). You can see I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a Black Stork and I also got to see some Barred Warblers, a LSW, lots of Orioles, Red-backed Shrikes, and Great Reed Warblers, and numerous other charismatic species (other species of interest to British birders should be Black Woodpecker, Black Kite, and Savi's and River Warbler).
You should plan an entire day for the place though, and definitely organize a bike somehow. I've only really been to the Fiddichower Polder, which is close to Schwedt, and it's a very interesting part, but the rest of the park might be just as good for all I know.
Hi all, I will be visiting Berlin for 10 Days as of next week. Any tips on sites and species to look out for in the surrounding areas? Thanks all!

For orientation a map.

West of Berlin nice areas very close togehter.
July is rather no so good birding time, but will change in August.

Lake Guelper See
maps in the link

White-tailed Eagle almost guarranty
Osprey too
Crane too
Black Storck medium chance

Buckow/ Nennhausen
Great Bustard almost guarranty
Montagues Harrier too

Lake Rietzer See Streng ( is not at the lake itself ! )
14797 Kloster Lehnin OT Netzen
GPS: 52° 21‘ 26.71“ N | 12° 41‘ 17.58“ E

White -tailed Eagle medium chance
Crane high chance
Trush Nigthingale I found there, but maybe very poor chance in this time of the year
Normally river Elbe is the border. North of river Trush Nigthingale is located. But also near Autobahn around Berlin. I detect some even on Autobahn rest place.

Nuthe Nieplitz
White tailed Eagle almost guarranty, if description of place is available
Crane too

Drive street B 276 to west to Zauchwitz
than L73 to south an next small road to east

on page 5 are GPS datas from watching towers
http://www.ornithologie-nuthe-nieplitz.de/literatur/Der Falke 10-2011 Nuthe-Nieplitz.pdf
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