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Best digiscoping camera? (1 Viewer)

Here's a couple of random images from the GX80 through the Swaro Scope/20-60 zoom. I haven't used it too much for digiscoping, but I thought it worth sharing which lenses I've used to connect it to the DCA adapter.

I can still use the Canon 40mm (plus cheap m4/3 to Canon EOS adapter) though I also bought a Neewer 28mm f2.8 (m4/3 mount) to use with it. This is one of several very cheap (c£60) Chinese made, all manual lenses that are now available on Ebay/Amazon. They also make 35mm and 50mm lenses, which might be worth experimenting with, but the 28mm is super-compact (almost a pancake lens) with the added benefit of metal filter threads, which makes the connection to the DCA much more secure than the plastic threads of most modern lenses. It's very light weight and plenty sharp enough for the purpose of digiscoping. I just leave it at f2.8, focus to infinity then leave it alone, as all focussing is then done via the scope's focuser. I believe the lens is also available badged as the Meike brand, and possibly one or two other variants?

Incidentally, I needed to add a 49-43mm step-down ring between the DCA and Neewer lens, which causes a little vignetting at some zoom settings (scope zoom) but it can easily be cropped out (but not necessary for both of these images). Both are jpegs with minimal, very basic edits including sharpening, contrast etc. Better quality would be possible from RAW files. Both were quite close at c30 metres, scope zoom I think was around 30x.


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Just come across this and notice the thread was resurrected earlier in the year. I've been digiscoping with my phone & STX which works ok ish, though digital zoom obviously means some photos aren't good. Been meaning to source a small camera for a while (one that could fit in the bag my bridge camera lives in so it doesn't feel like extra gear), so just got hold of a Canon IXUS 185 and will go from there... It cost significantly less than most other small cameras! One reason for switching to a camera is to save phone battery etc as lots of photos & videos drains the battery. Also hoping even a compact / point and shoot style camera might take slightly better photos with practise. We'll see.

Don't think I had the right settings today as it didn't focus properly - it was on auto, but just discovered there's also a "p" mode with macro setting which might work better?
Quality of photos from phone scoping varied, but occasionally even distant/cropped photos were ok. Should add that so far I've been doing it hand held and that's how I'll start with the camera too.


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    Black-tailed Godwit limosa juv, Titchfield Haven, 25th July 2020 2.jpg
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