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Best UK bird guide (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Not sure if I’m asking this in the right forum, but birthday is coming up and I’m going to ask the missus for a new UK bird guide book. Any advice on the best one ? Currently I am looking at the RSPB guide which appears to have sketches of the birds and the Collins guide which seems more professional. Suggestions welcomed. Thanks.
No question, as per Mono's suggestion, the latest Collins edition, even if you don't leave our shores. And if you are a really lucky boy, two copies. A large format for poring over in a comfy chair with a drink nearby plus a proper field guide at other times..... or maybe even an app if you're a heavy smart phone user. You can never have enough books.
Merry Christmas🎄
I'd also look at the Wildguides, either the more comprehensive European one or the Britain & Ireland - they're photographic which some people prefer and very good in a different way.
No question, as per Mono's suggestion, the latest Collins edition, even if you don't leave our shores. And if you are a really lucky boy, two copies. A large format for poring over in a comfy chair with a drink nearby plus a proper field guide at other times..... or maybe even an app if you're a heavy smart phone user. You can never have enough books.
Merry Christmas🎄
I think the Collins large format was only a first edition thing, there's been quite a bit of lumping and splitting since then.

I second the point about the app, you can play the calls in the field to compare with what you're hearing.

The Wildguides books are also good as Richard says.
I think the Collins large format was only a first edition thing, there's been quite a bit of lumping and splitting since then.
Thanks Stephen, hadn't realised that. Probably no longer a market for large coffee table books. Amazing that for what was once a £50 rrp book you can buy a good used one for less than a can of Prime.
If you just want a UK guide, the Wildguides one, although photographic, is excellent and has almost every possible vagrant you could wish for. It's better for UK use than the corresponding Europe guide as it has a little more information on each species.

WRT sketch guides, the RSPB guide is good, maybe not as erudite as Collins but more portable in the field, with large illustrations of every species you'd encounter in normal birding.
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