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Birding guide Shenzhen September (1 Viewer)


New member
I am looking for a guide in September. I am in Shenzhen for the weekend. Any suggestions? Also if you think going birding myself is an option, any advice is welcome. Thanks!
Hello, there are some good places to watch bird in city centre.
Shenzhen Bay Park(深圳湾公园): The most popular place to watch waterfowls.
Shenzhen Talent Park(深圳人才公园): Place for plovers.
Bijiashan Park(笔架山公园): Highly recommanded place. There are some rare birds.
Futian Mangrove Ecological Park(福田红树林生态公园): The bird conditon is not very stable but there might be some surprise.
Hello, there are some good places to watch bird in city centre.
Shenzhen Bay Park(深圳湾公园): The most popular place to watch waterfowls.
Shenzhen Talent Park(深圳人才公园): Place for plovers.
Bijiashan Park(笔架山公园): Highly recommanded place. There are some rare birds.
Futian Mangrove Ecological Park(福田红树林生态公园): The bird conditon is not very stable but there might be some surprise.
Thank you for the info!
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