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bird-feeder problem (2 Viewers)


New member
United Kingdom
Hi everyone! I'm Sikina and I live in Atlanta right in a forested area and all the lovely wildlife within it. We are lucky enough to have beautiful birds, deer, chipmunks, the occasional fox, and lots of squirrels! Now it's not that I don't love the squirrels too - last year I had to hand-rear four tiny ones that Mum had abandoned when their nest was moved by a gutter-cleaner - but the birds can't get at the feeder when the squirrels are on it. So the latest 'squirrel-proof' feeder has a large-hole wire cage around the seed tube and my birds do not like it. I see them go and try it out only to give up and return to the other one. I am about to return it. Does anyone have the same experience?
Hi Sikina and welcome to BirdForum from all the staff and moderators. We’ve just bought a new one as well. The birds definitely prefer the old one but they will use it when the other one is empty. I may switch their positions as the old one is slightly closer to cover which they may prefer.

Hi Sikina and a warm welcome from me too. Fortunately I don't have a problem with squirrels at my feeders, so am unable to advise you on that. Depending on how hungry the birds are it can take them a while to get used to a new feeder. It would certainly be a good idea to switch the position of the two feeders, as you may find it's the position they're not happy with.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I hope to hear about all the birds you see when out and about.
Hi Sikina

Welcome to the BirdForum

You have thought out the best solution from my experience.
I have personally used is the large 'chicken wire' cage as you have said yourself.
Had Squirrel issues like you, and they do eat you out of house and home.
It took my birds a few weeks to get used to it, so it takes time for any feeder changes that you make.
As long as the birds feel safe when feeding that is what matters most of all.
Hi, can’t help with the feeder problem, just wanted to say welcome to the forum.
Hi everyone! I'm Sikina and I live in Atlanta right in a forested area and all the lovely wildlife within it. We are lucky enough to have beautiful birds, deer, chipmunks, the occasional fox, and lots of squirrels! Now it's not that I don't love the squirrels too - last year I had to hand-rear four tiny ones that Mum had abandoned when their nest was moved by a gutter-cleaner - but the birds can't get at the feeder when the squirrels are on it. So the latest 'squirrel-proof' feeder has a large-hole wire cage around the seed tube and my birds do not like it. I see them go and try it out only to give up and return to the other one. I am about to return it. Does anyone have the same experience?
Try not making it too easy...we have cages around everything-the squirrels will manage to find what they want elsewhere...harden your heart and you’ll be richly rewarded!
Sometimes at warmer times of year we run the feeders right down, with the result that birds get more enterprising in what they are prepared to try rather than their usual preference.
Good luck!
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