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Birdwatcher's Diary RIP? (1 Viewer)

If you click on the 3 dots, bottom right, there should be the option 'upload to ebird'.

I'm running version 8.0.1 for iPod Touch and the only options in the lower right are the calculator (for selecting the number of birds seen) and sort order. The only output choices are:

Write to iTunes
ftp upload to internet
Write to Dropbox [which now works flawlessly]
Copy to Clipboard

Perhaps there are additional options on versions other than the one for iPod Touch.


Gary H
I'm on an iPhone so my screen may be different to what you see on an iPod Touch. I have (at the top of the screen) an Output tab which gives the eBird upload option - do you not have this? If not then I guess contacting BWD is the next step. As they no longer seem to bother to respond to emails perhaps a post on their Facebook page?

I'm on an iPhone so my screen may be different to what you see on an iPod Touch. I have (at the top of the screen) an Output tab which gives the eBird upload option - do you not have this? If not then I guess contacting BWD is the next step. As they no longer seem to bother to respond to emails perhaps a post on their Facebook page?

I know it brands me as something akin to a Luddite, but I've managed to avoid the Facebook spell to date. I find an output tab (not on the main entry page) which points me to the options I listed at the end of my last post. I have submitted an inquiry to Stevens Creek but won't hold my breath.


Gary H
Looks as if direct upload to eBird is broken again - at least for me? - 'coincidentally' since the eBird site refresh last week. I know get an error message - 'Problem contacting eBird (poor internet connection?) - well it's certainly not that! Workaround for the moment for me seems to be to select the 'Write to Dropbox' option and then import that file from eBird (using the eBird record format (extended) option...)

Anyone else having the same issue? - I've emailed Stevens Creek, but true to their usual form they haven't bothered to respond....

Looks as if direct upload to eBird is broken again - at least for me? - 'coincidentally' since the eBird site refresh last week. I know get an error message - 'Problem contacting eBird (poor internet connection?) - well it's certainly not that! Workaround for the moment for me seems to be to select the 'Write to Dropbox' option and then import that file from eBird (using the eBird record format (extended) option...)

Anyone else having the same issue? - I've emailed Stevens Creek, but true to their usual form they haven't bothered to respond....


Stevens Creek have just posted this on the Birdwatcher's Diary FB page:

eBird has recently (within the last week or so) changed their interface which is preventing Birdwatcher's Diary from directly uploading sightings. You get a message stating "Problem contacting eBird (poor Internet connection?)", which isn't actually the problem. We are looking into it. In the meantime, you can always upload the sightings as a file to a computer and then upload that file from your computer to eBird. Not as convenient, obviously. We'll keep you posted on a fix. In the meantime, enjoy this Cedar Waxwing.

Stevens Creek have updated their Birdwatcher's Diary FB page:

Version 8.2 of Birdwatcher's Diary has been uploaded to Apple, with modifications for compatibility with the changes to the eBird website, restoring the ability to directly upload sightings to eBird. Not sure how the weekend impacts things, but recent updates have shown up on the App Store within 24 hours. In any case, you'll soon have the ability to directly upload sightings to eBird restored. Thanks for your patience.
UPDATE (3:30 pm PST): the iPad version is already released to the App Store. The iPhone version was rejected (!) because the description of the app says we donate 50% of the proceeds to bird conservation, education and research organizations, and some computer saw the word "donate" and thought we were ASKING for donations for the app (which isn't allowed). This description hasn't changed since 2010 when we first introduced the app! Anyway, we're appealing to a human being; if that fails we'll just remove that from the description so we can get the iPhone version released.

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