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BOW Key (2 Viewers)

The unfindables from Peters Check-list v10:
Macrothonyx   | v10:229 | Orthonyx spaldingii Ramsay
              |         | Macrothonyx spaldingi albiventer Mathews, 1915, Austral Avian Rec., 2, p. 130
cyaneculus    | v10:42  | Erithacus svecicus cyaneculus (Meisner)                      
myadestina    | v10:163 | Phaeornis myadestina Stejneger, 1887, Proc. U.S. Nat.,       
fuscesens     | v10:170 | Hylocichla fuscesens fuliginosa Howe, 1900, Auk, 17, p.      
libonyanus    | v10:179 | Turdus libonyanus adamauae Grote, 1922, Journ. f. Orn.,      
litsipsirupa  | v10:185 | Turdus litsipsirupa simensis (Rüppell)                       
philomelus    | v10:205 | Turdus philomelus distinctus Zarudny, 1918, Izvest. Tur-     
obscurius     | v10:255 | Trichastoma abbotti obscurius (Deignan)                      
barussanum    | v10:253 | Trichastoma sepiarium barussanum (Robinson and Kloss)        
sepiarum      | v10:253 | Trichastoma sepiarum minus (Meyer)                           
abotti        | v10:256 | Malacocincla abotti [sic] voousi Wynne, 1955, North          
epilepidotus  | v10:291 | Turdinulus epilepidotus bakeri Harington, 1913, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 33, p. 44
assmilis      | v10:306 | S[trachyrhis]. assmilis [sic] Walden, 1875, in Blyth, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 43, extra no., p. 116
connecteus    | v10:320 | Mixornis rubricapilla connecteus [sic] Kloss, 1918, Ibis, p. 207
kenianus      | v10:336 | Turdoides aylmeri kenianus (Jackson)                         
tsinlingensis | v10:350 | Dryonastes tsinlingensis Reichenow, 1917, Journ. f. Orn., 65, p. 391
subsuffusa    | v10:355 | Garrulax pectoralis subsuffusa (sic) Kinnear, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 45, p. 28. Lapsus for subfusus.
milnii        | v10:378 | Trochalopterum milnii omeiensis (sic) Shaw, 1932, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., 3, p. 220
milni         | v10:379 | Garrulax milni vitryi Delacour, 1932, Oiseau Rev. Franç. Orn., nouv. sér., 2, p. 424
cyanuroptera  | v10:394 | Siva cyanuroptera oatesi Harington, 1913, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 33, p. 62
vinipecta     | v10:400 | Fulvetta vinipecta [sic] kangrae Ticehurst and Whistler, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 44, p. 71
flavicollus   | v10:423 | Ixulus flavicollus baileyi Baker, 1914, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 35, p. 17

Hellmayr, 1924. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands, Volume 7 = Part 3 = Pteroptochidae Conopophagidae Formicariidae (357 p.); genera and epitheta not in the Key.

nr |    genus    |  page  |    orig     |                                      line                                     
 1 | Pteroptocus | v7:5   | Pteroptocus | Pteroptocus rubecula DABBENE, Bol. Soc. Physis, 1, No. 8, 1914, p. 325        
 2 | Carythopis  | v7:35  | Carythopis  | Carythopis calcarata BERTONI, Faun. Parag., 1914, p. 50 (Paraguay, Iguassú).  
 3 | Hypocmenis  | v7:217 | Hypocmenis  | Hypocmenis schistacea (not of SCLATER) LAWRENCE, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist., 7,     
 4 | Myrmoderas  | v7:271 | Myrmoderas  | Myrmoderas (emendation) RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Mus., 50, Part 5, 1911, p. 15.   
 5 | Chamaesa    | v7:291 | Chamaesa    | Chamaesa brevicauda CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 522 (Sapucay, Paraguay).            
 6 | Chaemaeza   | v7:294 | Chaemaeza   | Chaemaeza brevicauda (nobilis?) CHAPMAN, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36,     
 7 | Formucarius | v7:331 | Formucarius | Formucarius (sic) brevicauda BODDAERT, Tabl. Pl. enl., Dec. 1783, p. 44 (based

nr |   epitheton    |  page  |      orig      |                                     line                                     
 1 | mayor          | v7:51  | mayor          | Thamnophilus mayor TSCHUDI, Faun. Peru., Aves, 1846, p. 170 (Peru).          
 2 | transandeana   | v7:51  | transandeana   | Taraba transandeana granadensis CHAPMAN, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36,    
 3 | loretoyacensis | v7:55  | loretoyacensis | Thamnophilus loretoyacensis TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Pérou, 2, 1884, p. 13          
 4 | moestus        | v7:60  | moestus        | Thamnophilus moestus PELZELN, Orn. Bras., 2, Sept. 1868, p. 141, Note 1      
 5 | iuruanus       | v7:82  | iuruanus       | Thamnophilus iuruanus SNETHLAGE, Journ. Ornith., 56, 1908, p. 15 (Monte      
 6 | aspersiventris | v7:105 | aspersiventris | Thamnophilus aspersiventris SCLATER, P. Z. S. Lond., 26, 1858, p. 217        
 7 | shistaceus     | v7:125 | shistaceus     | Thamnophilus shistaceus (sic) (not of D'ORBIGNY) LAFRESNAYE, Rev. Zool.,     
 8 | suturninus     | v7:126 | suturninus     | Dysithamnus ardesiacus suturninus (sic) JHERING, Cat. Faun. Braz., 1,        
 9 | hawxwelli      | v7:141 | hawxwelli      | Myrmotherula hawxwelli (not of SCLATER) SCLATER and SALVIN, P. Z. S. Lond.,  
10 | meaelna        | v7:152 | meaelna        | Myrmotherula axillaris meaelna (typog. err.) HELLMAYR, P. Z. S. Lond.,       
11 | quixenis       | v7:181 | quixenis       | (?) Pyriglena quixenis (not of CORNALIA) SCLATER, P. Z. S. Lond., 23,        
12 | grieseus       | v7:184 | grieseus       | Turdus grieseus (sic) BODDAERT, Tabl. Pl. enl., Dec. 1783, p. 39 (based on   
13 | genaei         | v7:196 | genaei         | Formicivora genaei SCLATER, Cat. B. Brit. Mus., 15, 1890, p. 253 (se.        
14 | tyranina       | v7:222 | tyranina       | Cercomacra tyranina atrogularis LLETGET, Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 18,      
15 | lencoptera     | v7:226 | lencoptera     | Pyriglena lencoptera (err. typ.) HELLMAYR, Abhandl. 2. Kl. Bayer. Akad.      
16 | lenconota      | v7:228 | lenconota      | Pyriglena lenconota (err. typ.) REISER, Denkschr. math.-naturw. Kl. Akad.    
17 | myiotherina    | v7:232 | myiotherina    | Hypocnemis myiotherina (not of SPIX) ALLEN, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.,     
18 | angustirustris | v7:234 | angustirustris | Myrmoborus leucophrys angustirustris (sic) BANGS and PENARD, Bull. Mus.      
19 | myiotherinus   | v7:236 | myiotherinus   | Myrmoborus myiotherinus elegans CHAPMAN, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36,    
20 | humaythea      | v7:257 | humaythea      | Sclateria schistacea humaythea Hellmayr, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, Feb. 1907,
21 | hemimelaenus   | v7:277 | hemimelaenus   | *Myrmoderus hemimelaenus hemimelaenus (Sclater). WHITE-BELLIED ANTCATCHER.   
22 | ruficepes      | v7:279 | ruficepes      | Formicarius ruficepes (sic) LIMA, Rev. Mus. Paul., 12, (2), 1920, p. 99      
23 | hoffmani       | v7:287 | hoffmani       | Formicarius hoffmani NUTTING, Proc. U. S. Mus., 6, 1883, p. 405 (Los         
24 | naevoides      | v7:307 | naevoides      | Hypocnemis naevoides LAWRENCE, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist., 7, 1862, p. 326 (Lion   
25 | poecilinota    | v7:312 | poecilinota    | Hylophylax poecilinota poecilinota (Cabanis). SCALE-BACKED ANT-BIRD.         
26 | poecilonata    | v7:312 | poecilonata    | Hypocnemis poecilonata (sic) MÉNÉGAUX, Bull. Mus. Paris, 14, 1908, p. 13     
27 | spiator        | v7:349 | spiator        | Grallaria spiator (typog. err.) ALLEN, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 13, 1900,

The Key: yet some more generic additions and editing (see #188). —

Alectorophasis, Anuropsis, Bebrornis, Calamocichla, Calamonastes, Centropus, Climacocercus, Coryphaspiza, Corythocichla, Crateroscelis, Dixiphia, Dryonastes, Entomophagus, Euchlorornis, Hydrocichla, Ibiceter, Morphnus, Pampa, Petroophasis, Phyllergates, Platystylopterus, Ptilopyga, Rheinardia, Rhinocichla, Scleroptera

Additionally, note that numerous lapses (both specific and generic) have been identified by Erikjan Rijkers (kweetal) (see: #145, #151, #152, #161, #164, #170, #173, #181, #183, #187, #189, #192, #198, #199, #201, #202, #207, #210, #213, #216, #223, #224, #225, #234, #235, #236, #237, #241, #243).
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Hellmayr, 1925. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands, Volume 8 = Part 4 = Furnariidae Dendrocolaptidae (378 pp); genera and epitheta not in the Key (mostly typographical errors).

 nr |        genus        |  page  |        orig         |                                      line                                  
  1 | Limnophges          | v8:54  | Limnophges          | Limnophges (sic) curvirostris IHERING, Annuario Est. Rio Grande do Sul, 16,
  2 | Silviorthrorhynchus | v8:54  | Silviorthrorhynchus | Silviorthrorhynchus BOECK, Naumannia, 1855, p. 501 — emendation.           
  3 | Schizoeacha         | v8:71  | Schizoeacha         | Schizoeacha SCLATER, P. Z. S. Lond., 1882, p. 579 — emendation.            
  4 | Sinallaxis          | v8:98  | Sinallaxis          | Sinallaxis cinerascens BERTONI, Rev. Inst. Parag., 1907, p. — [author's sep.
  5 | Synallaris          | v8:109 | Synallaris          | Synallaris gularis (not of LAFRESNAYE) SCLATER and SALVIN, P. Z. S. Lond., 
  6 | Hacelodomus         | v8:158 | Hacelodomus         | Hacelodomus (sic) sibilator (errore) SCLATER and SALVIN, P. Z. S. Lond., 1879,
  7 | Auabates            | v8:180 | Auabates            | Auabates auritus (LICHTENSTEIN MS.) TSCHUDI, Arch. Naturg., 10 (1), p. 294,
  8 | Camylorhamphus      | v8:347 | Camylorhamphus      | Camylorhamphus pusillus borealis CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6, p. 657,  

 nr |   epitheton    |  page  |      orig      |                                     line                                 
  1 | canicularia    | v8:4   | canicularia    | Geositta canicularia (sic) BRIDGES, P. Z. S. Lond., 9, p. 94, 1841 — Chile,
  2 | olivacens      | v8:76  | olivacens      | Synallaxis olivacens EYTON, Contrib. Ornith., 1851, p. 159, pl. 81 (S.   
  3 | wheiti         | v8:100 | wheiti         | Synallaxis wheiti [sic] (not S. whitei SCLATER) IHERING, Cat. Faun. Braz.,
  4 | ruseola        | v8:115 | ruseola        | Certhiaxis ? ruseola (sic) BERTONI, Anal. Cient. Parag., (2) No. 3, p. 240,
  5 | pumicola       | v8:144 | pumicola       | Synallaxis pumicola FRASER, P. Z. S. Lond., 11, p. 112, 1843 — Chile      
  6 | puensis        | v8:148 | puensis        | Asthenes puensis cuchacanchae (Chapman). CUCHACANCHA SPINE-TAIL.         
  7 | flamulata      | v8:166 | flamulata      | Siptornis flamulata (sic) (not Sittasomus flammulatus LESSON) REICHENBACH,
  8 | boissoneauti   | v8:178 | boissoneauti   | Pseudocolaptes boissoneauti (not of LAFRESNAYE) SCLATER and SALVIN, P. Z. S.
  9 | boissoneautii  | v8:178 | boissoneautii  | Pseudocolaptes boissoneautii oberholseri CORY, Auk, 36, p. 275, 1919 —   
 10 | ochralaemus    | v8:220 | ochralaemus    | Automolus ochralaemus (not of TSCHUDI) TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Pér., 2, p. 150,
 11 | sursurans      | v8:301 | sursurans      | Dendrornis sursurans sursurans CHERRIE, Mus. Brookl. Inst., Sci. Bull., 1,
 12 | susurans       | v8:302 | susurans       | (?) Dendrornis susurans susurans (sic) BEEBE, Zoologica (N. Y.), 1, p. 93,
 13 | eburneisastris | v8:303 | eburneisastris | Dendrornis eburneisastris (sic) LANTZ, Trans. Kansas Ac. Sci., 16, p. 221,
 14 | chuncotambo    | v8:311 | chuncotambo    | Dendrocolaptes chuncotambo (sic) (not of TSCHUDI) SCLATER, P. Z. S. Lond.,
 15 | warszewiezi    | v8:323 | warszewiezi    | Picolaptes lacrymiger warszewiezi (not of CABANIS and HEINE) BERLEPSCH and
 16 | warceviezi     | v8:323 | warceviezi     | Picolaptes warceviezi GOODFELLOW, Ibis, 1902, p. 63 — Gualea, Lntac, Santo
 17 | warscewiezi    | v8:323 | warscewiezi    | Picolaptes lacrymiger warscewiezi BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, P. Z. S. Lond.,
 18 | bridgosi       | v8:349 | Bridgosi       | Picolaptes Bridgosi (sic) REED, Av. Prov. Mendoza, p. 34, 1916 — Mendoza.


EDIT: removed Opetiorynchos, Placellodomus, malur from the lists
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Genera and epitheta not in the Key (as usual, mostly typographical errors). From:
Hellmayr, 1919. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands, Volume 6 = Part 2 number 2 = Trogonidae to Picidae (199 pp).

nr |     genus     |  page  |     orig      |                                      line                                     
 1 | Hyteornis     | v6:347 | Hyteornis     | Hyteornis fieldi CORY, Auk, XII, 1895, p. 278 (Maniel, San Domingo).          
 2 | Balbula       | v6:385 | Balbula       | Balbula leucogastra VIEILLOT, Nouv. Dict. d'Hist. Nat., XVI, 1817, p. 444     
 3 | Jacamaralycon | v6:388 | Jacamaralycon | Jacamaralycon Lesson, Traité d'Orn., 1831, p. 235 (Type Galbula tridactyla    
 4 | Chilidoptera  | v6:410 | Chilidoptera  | Chilidoptera tenebrosa brasiliensis ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., V, 1893,
 5 | Pedeopipo     | v6:414 | Pedeopipo     | Pedeopipo campestris PELZELN, Orn. Bras., 1871, p. 249.                       
 6 | Chroronerpes  | v6:433 | Chroronerpes  | Chroronerpes chrysochlorus HARGITT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVIII, 1890, p. 72; 
 7 | Campepilus    | v6:459 | Campepilus    | Campepilus schulzi SCLATER and HUDSON, Argentine Orn., II, 1889, p. 18.       
 8 | Neoploeotomus | v6:460 | Neoploeotomus | Neoploeotomus shiptoni DABBENE, Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, XXXII, 1915.    

nr |   epitheton    |  page  |      orig      |                                         line                                        
 1 | nigrogrularis  | v6:348 | nigrogrularis  | Neomorphus nigrogrularis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIII, 1914,          
 2 | peruvanius     | v6:355 | peruvanius     | Capito peruvanius SCLATER, Cat. Am. Bds., 1862, p. 329, part; Ridgway, Bull.        
 3 | rhamphastinus  | v6:360 | rhamphastinus  | Semnornis rhamphastinus (Jardine). TOUCAN BARBET.                                   
 4 | whitelyanus    | v6:376 | whitelyanus    | Aulacorhynchus whitelyanus (Salvin and Godman). WHITELY'S TOUCANET.                 
 5 | haematopygius  | v6:378 | haematopygius  | *Aulacorhynchus haematopygius (Gould). CRIMSON-RUMPED TOUCANET.                     
 6 | noaname        | v6:395 | noaname        | Nystactes noaname (Hellmayr). HELLMAYR'S PUFF-BIRD.                                 
 7 | hypnaloeus     | v6:396 | hypnaloeus     | Bucco tamatia hypnaloeus SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 237 (Para,     
 8 | fulvidus       | v6:400 | fulvidus       | *Ecchaunornis radiatus fulvidus (Salvin and Godman). FULVOUS PUFF-BIRD.             
 9 | veraecrucus    | v6:420 | veraecrucus    | Centurus dubius veraecrucus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 69.
10 | capistriatus   | v6:434 | capistriatus   | Chloronerpes chrysochloros capistriatus (Malherbe). BONAPARTE'S GREEN WOODPECKER.   
11 | erythropsis    | v6:435 | erythropsis    | Chloronerpes erythropsis (Vieillot). RED-FACED GREEN WOODPECKER.                    
12 | erythropes     | v6:435 | erythropes     | Chloronerpes erythropes PELZELN, Orn. Bras., 1870, p. 244.                          
13 | rubignosus     | v6:438 | rubignosus     | Chloronerpes rubignosus buenavistae CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.,             
14 | chlorostus     | v6:443 | chlorostus     | (?) Chrysopicus chlorostus MALHERBE, Mon. Picidae, II, 1862, p. 183; IV, 1862,      
15 | lubugris       | v6:449 | lubugris       | Celeus lubugris SCLATER, Cat. Am. Bds., 1862, p. 335; PELZELN, Orn. Bras.,          
16 | iumana         | v6:452 | iumana         | Celeus iumana SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 251 (Para; Rio            
17 | albieticola    | v6:460 | albieticola    | Ceophloeus pileatus albieticola BANGS, Auk, 1896, p. 176 (Greenville, Maine).       
18 | quayaquilensis | v6:466 | quayaquilensis | *Scapaneus quayaquilensis (Lesson). QUAYAQUIL WOODPECKER.                           
19 | ruppellii      | v6:468 | ruppellii      | Picus ruppellii WAGLER, Syst. Av., Picus, 1827, sp. 29; Id., Isis, 1829, p.         
20 | exiquus        | v6:474 | exiquus        | (?) Veniliornis oleaginus exiquus TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIX, 1916, p.      
21 | dariensis      | v6:482 | dariensis      | Veniliornis kirkii dariensis Ridgway. DARIAN WOODPECKER.                            
22 | gradatus       | v6:483 | gradatus       | Picus gradatus LICHTENSTEIN, Nomen. Cl. Av., 1854, p. 75.                           
23 | thryoideus     | v6:499 | thryoideus     | Sphyrapicus thryoideus thryoideus SWARTH, Condor., XIX, 1917, p. 64

Thanks Erikjan,

As you remark, mainly typos, but I am treating fulvidus (separated from fulvida by fulvidior) and gradatus (OD seen) as new, and have moved syn. Xiphidiopicus percussus to ruppelii (OD seen).
More ornithophilology from Hellmayr, 1919. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands, Volume 2 = Part 1 number 2 = Spheniscidae to Anatidae (621 pp).
Genera and epitheta without answer from the Key.

nr |     genus     |  page  |     orig      |                                      line                                    
 1 | Thalassageron | v2:47  | Thalassageron | Thalassageron eximius Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., 9, p. 440, pl. 8, 1895
 2 | Phoebotria    | v2:50  | Phoebotria    | Phoebotria palpebrata Lowe and Kinnear, Brit. Antar. (Terra Nova) Exp., Zool.,
 3 | Oestralata    | v2:76  | Oestralata    | Oestralata incerta Salvin, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 25, p. 405, 1896 (monog.).  
 4 | Procellarius  | v2:109 | Procellarius  | Procellarius falklandius (Commerson MS.) Quoy and Gaimard, in Freycinet, Voy.
 5 | Pilherodias   | v2:175 | Pilherodias   | Pilherodias Chapman, Bull. Amer. Mus. N. H., 36, p. 230, 1917 (emendation).  
 6 | Garyetta      | v2:199 | Garyetta      | Garyetta candidissima Bonaparte, Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, 2, p. 39, 1857— 
 7 | Hydronassa    | v2:200 | Hydronassa    | Hydronassa Snethlage, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, 8, p. 107, 1914 (emendation).        
 8 | Ctenorhynchus | v2:340 | Ctenorhynchus | Ctenorhynchus Agassiz, Nomencl. Zool, Ind. Univ., p. 198, 1846 (emendation). 
 9 | Phoenonetta   | v2:392 | Phoenonetta   | Phoenonetta Stone, Auk, 24, p. 198, 1907 — type, by orig. desig., Anas fusca 

nr |   epitheton   |  page  |     orig      |                                      line                                     
 1 | caliparaeus   | v2:27  | caliparaeus   | Podiceps caliparaeus Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 3, p. 359, 1876 — Moho,   
 2 | callipareus   | v2:27  | callipareus   | Podiceps callipareus Philippi, Ornis, 4, p. 160, 1888 — Antofagasta, Chile.   
 3 | griseigena    | v2:32  | griseigena    | Podicipes griseigena var. major Winge, Medd. Grønl., 21, p. 130, 1898 —       
 4 | podicips      | v2:36  | podicips      | Podilymbus podicips [sic] Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6, p. 414, 1910 —     
 5 | epomophera    | v2:42  | epomophera    | Diomedea epomophera Tschudi, Journ.  Orn., 4, pp. 156, 161, 1856 — lat. 33° 21'
 6 | brabournei    | v2:62  | brabournei    | Procellaria aequinoctialis brabournei Mathews, Birds Austr., 2, p.  113, May  
 7 | novageorgica  | v2:85  | novageorgica  | Pagodroma nivea novageorgica Bennett, Ibis, 1926, p. 315 — Falklands (occas.  
 8 | falklandius   | v2:109 | falklandius   | Procellarius falklandius (Commerson MS.) Quoy and Gaimard, in Freycinet, Voy. 
 9 | thayus        | v2:121 | thayus        | Pelecanus thayus Tschudi, Unters. Faun. Per., Orn., p. 312, 1846 — islets off 
10 | thygus        | v2:121 | thygus        | Pelecanus thygus Philippi, Anal. Univ. Chile, 31, p. 291, 1868— coast of Chile
11 | dactylathra   | v2:126 | dactylathra   | Parasula dactylathra [sic] Miranda-Ribeiro, Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 22,
12 | gainsardii    | v2:152 | gainsardii    | Graculus gainsardii (sic) Germain, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., 7, p. 315, 1860 —  
13 | socoi         | v2:174 | socoi         | Ardea socoi Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paul., 6, p. 450, 1905 — Rio Jurua, Brazil;    
14 | undulatum     | v2:228 | undulatum     | Zebrilus undulatum Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, No. 14, p.   
15 | exilus        | v2:231 | exilus        | *Ixobrychus exilus hesperis Dickey and van Rossem. WESTERN LEAST BITTERN.     
16 | freti         | v2:236 | freti         | Ardea freti hudsonis Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, livr. 3, Ardeae, p. 49, 1863 —  
17 | canerophaga   | v2:242 | canerophaga   | Cochlearius cochlearius canerophaga Bangs and Penard, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
18 | maguaria      | v2:246 | maguaria      | Ciconia maguaria Des Murs, in Gay, Hist. Fis. Pol. Chile, Zool., 1, p. 415,   
19 | dicrura       | v2:246 | dicrura       | Ciconia dicrura Reichenow, Journ. Orn., 25, p. 168, 1877 — substitute name for
20 | guaranna      | v2:266 | Guaranna      | Ibis Guaranna (sic) Wagler, Isis, 1829, col. 759 (descr.).                    
21 | aiaia         | v2:272 | aïaïa         | Platalea aïaïa Lesson, Voy. Coquille, Zool., 1, (1), p. 267, 1828 — between   
22 | melancoriphus | v2:286 | melancoriphus | Cygnus melancoriphus Wetmore, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 133, p. 69, 1926 — Uruguay
23 | conboscas     | v2:327 | conboscas     | Anas platyrhyncha conboscas Nicholson, Ibis, 1930, p. 395 — Greenland         
24 | torquatum     | v2:349 | torquatum     | Nettion torquatum Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 27, p. 268, 1895 — Buenos  
25 | vallisneriana | v2:367 | Vallisneriana | Anas Vallisneriana Sabine, App. Frankl. Journ., p. 699, 1823 — "waters        
26 | vallisneria   | v2:367 | vallisneria   | Nyroca vallisneria Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 27, p. 342, 1895 (full    
27 | octosetaelus  | v2:409 | octosetaelus  | Mergus octosetaelus Vieillot, Tabl. Enc. Méth., Orn., 1, livr. 89, p. 351, pl.
28 | octosetosus   | v2:409 | octosetosus   | Mergus octosetosus (errore?) Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 43, p. 
29 | octasetaceus  | v2:409 | octasetaceus  | Merganser octasetaceus Ihering, Cat. Faun. Braz., 1, p. 77, 1907 (range,

The Key finds fretihudsoni which I think might be an OCR-relict : shouldn't that be 2 words? I'm not sure, so I kept freti in the list.

Key typo: In lemma stormi there is 'East Endies' which surely should be 'East Indies'.

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The Key finds fretihudsoni which I think might be an OCR-relict : shouldn't that be 2 words? I'm not sure, so I kept freti in the list.

Schlegel wrote it as two words freti hudsonis (adopting it from Brisson, whose species-group names are not available), but the Code treats this type of name as a compound word, which must be written as one.

Article 32. Original spellings | International Code of Zoological Nomenclature :
32.5. Spellings that must be corrected (incorrect original spellings)
32.5.2. A name published with a diacritic or other mark, ligature, apostrophe, or hyphen, or a species-group name published as separate words of which any is an abbreviation, is to be corrected.
[...] In a compound species-group name published as separate words that are deemed to form a single word [Art. 11.9.5], the component words are to be united without a hyphen.
Examples. bonae spei becomes bonaespei, terrae novae becomes terraenovae.
Thanks Erikjan,
I am treating Ctenorhynchus Agassiz as a new name, and, whilst checking podicips, find that podicipes is also new as a specific name. New also are brabournei and falklandius, with undulatum as a new gender entry. As for calli-, cali-, kali-, kalli……!
I realize that most words are not particularly interesting - it's often not even clear where the typo/error/variation occurred (could be by the original author or by the compiler) when there is no 'sic' in the record. But I prefer to not change the list and leave it to you to discard the all too uninteresting cases. ( The only ones I remove are words ending on -i when there is already a corresponding -ii lemma so it will be found anyway).
The Key: additional generic edits (see #245) —

—Casmarhynchus, Clonorhynchus, Coparus, Ctenorhynchus,
—Hapalus, Helinaea, Helortyx, Heteropus, Hiracococcyx,
—Laropsis, Leptogrammus, Liopa, Lophocoryphus,
—Megapelia, Myiadectes,
—Necrolytes, Nematura,
—Parisoma, Petrocichla, Philomachus, Podica, Podoa,
—Schizorhis, Syornis,

See also Erikjan’s further generic and specific contributions; #246, #247, #249

I also have to share my disbelief at this. During a recent bout of Giebelitis I came upon this gem amongst the myriad errors in Thesaurus Ornithologiae (II, p. 743): nipica — the first two letters are transposed, and the third is inverted and reversed (yes, he meant indica)!
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I also have to share my disbelief at this. During a recent bout of Giebelitis I came upon this gem amongst the myriad errors in Thesaurus Ornithologiae (II, p. 743): nipica — the first two letters are transposed, and the third is inverted and reversed (yes, he meant indica)!

Interesting case ;)
The third letter really is a 'd', which the typographer placed upside down. (I.e., physically, it's rotated by 180°, rather than 'inverted and reversed'. The bar, on this letter, has a single serif, as have other d's elsewhere on the page; the p's, in the font that was used there, have a bar with double serifs.)
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Cory / Hellmayr, Catalogue of birds of the Americas - volumes 9, 5, 3, 1.

These 'name words' are all absent from The Key but, again, they're mostly typos/variants (Cory seems to have been especially careless) but I think there might be a few new entries as well.

 nr |    genus     |  page  |     orig     |                                      line                                       | line_nr 
  1 | Centrtes     | v9:34  | Centrtes     | Centrtes CABANIS, Arch. Naturg., 13 (1), p. 256, 1847 — new name                | 2418
  2 | Centritus    | v9:35  | Centritus    | Centritus niger DOERING, Period. Zool. Arg., 1, p. 252, 1874 — Rio Guayquiraro, | 2514
  3 | Octhodiaeta  | v9:42  | Octhodiaeta  | Octhodiaeta pernix TODD and CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 14, p. 391, pl. 5,    | 2909
  4 | Ochtoeca     | v9:54  | Ochtoeca     | Ochtoeca diadema (not of HARTLAUB) SCLATER and SALVIN, P. Z. S. Lond., 1879, p. | 3638
  5 | Empiconax    | v9:221 | Empiconax    | Empiconax fulvifrons fusciceps NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 17, p. 152, 1904 | 13407
  6 | Rhynchocylus | v9:283 | Rhynchocylus | Rhynchocylus poliocephalus sclateri HELLMAYR, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 53,   | 17005
  7 | Philoscartes | v9:350 | Philoscartes | Philoscartes ventralis MIRANDA RIBEIRO, Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 24, p.  | 20933
  8 | Spitzitornis | v9:370 | Spitzitornis | *Spitzitornis parulus parulus (Kittlitz). TIT-LIKE TYRANT.                      | 22136
  9 | Elanea       | v9:425 | Elanea       | Elanea obscura MIRANDA RIBEIRO, Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 13, p. 184,     | 25378
 10 | Elaina       | v9:429 | Elaina       | Elaina cherriei VERRILL and VERRILL, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 61, p. 361     | 25646
 11 | Phyllomyia   | v9:445 | Phyllomyia   | Phyllomyia modesta REINHARDT, Vidensk. Medd. naturhist. Foren., 1870, p.        | 26626


 nr |    epitheton     |  page  |       orig       |                                      line                                      | line_nr 
  1 | irupuero         | v9:17  | irupuero         | Taenioptera irupuero REISER, Denks. math. naturw. Kl. Ak. Wiss. Wien, 76, p.   | 1448
  2 | frotalis         | v9:26  | frotalis         | Muscisaxicola frotalis (sic) REED, Av. Prov. Mendoza, p. 36, 1916 — Cordillera | 1983
  3 | albidiedema      | v9:51  | albidiedema      | Ochthoeca albidiedema CHAPMAN, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, p. 428, 1917   | 3462
  4 | yperu            | v9:64  | yperu            | Gubernetes yperu LAFRESNAYE and D'ORBIGNY, Syn. Av., 1, in Mag. Zool., 7,      | 4218
  5 | risorus          | v9:67  | risorus          | Alectrurus risorus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., 32, p. 187, 1925 — Maldonado (range). | 4390
  6 | climacura        | v9:84  | climacura        | Fluvicola climacura PELZELN, Orn. Bras., 2, p. 97, 1868 — Brazil [ = Bahia|    | 5437
  7 | cauda            | v9:101 | cauda            | Tyrannus cauda bifurca BRISSON, Orn., 2, p. 395, pl. 39, fig. 3, "Canada"      | 6398
  8 | bifurca          | v9:101 | bifurca          | Tyrannus cauda bifurca BRISSON, Orn., 2, p. 395, pl. 39, fig. 3, "Canada"      | 6398
  9 | corona           | v9:102 | corona           | Muscicapa corona rubra CATESBY, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1, p. 55, pl. 55,         | 6483
 10 | nigrescns        | v9:197 | nigrescns        | Myiochanes nigrescns canescens CHAPMAN, Amer. Mus. Nov., 231, p. 7, 1926 — Rio | 11985
 11 | vieillotides     | v9:243 | vieillotides     | Myiobius vieillotides SCLATER and SALVIN, P. Z. S. Lond., 1868, p. 168 —       | 14714
 12 | vieillotoides    | v9:244 | vieillotoides    | Myiobius vieillotoides (not of LAFRESNAYE) SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1880, p.   | 14738
 13 | stricticollis    | v9:313 | stricticollis    | Euscarthmus stricticollis REISER, Denks. math. naturw. Kl. Ak. Wiss. Wien, 76, | 18708
 14 | grenadense       | v9:318 | grenadense       | Todirostrum grenadense SCLATER, P. Z. S. Lond., 23, p. 148, 1855 — Bogotá.     | 19009
 15 | margaritiventris | v9:319 | margaritiventris | Triccus margaritiventris (lapsu) BURMEISTER, Reise La Plata St., 2, p. 456,    | 19082
 16 | wucheri          | v9:321 | wucheri          | Euscarthmus margaritaceiventer wucheri (sic) REISER, Denks. math. naturw. Kl.  | 19175
 17 | sylviola         | v9:349 | sylviola         | Leptotriccus sylviola SCLATER, Cat. B. Brit. Mus., 14, p. 99, 1888 — Brazil;   | 20871
 18 | flavicola        | v9:357 | flavicola        | Capsiempis flavicola (lapsu) LANTZ, Trans. Kansas Ac. Sci., 16, p. 223, 1899 — | 21354
 19 | rufomarginata    | v9:393 | rufomarginata    | Ochthoeca rufomarginata acrophila OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 25, p. 61 | 23448
 20 | macilvaini       | v9:433 | macilvaini       | Myiopagis macilvaini SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 2, p. 27,    | 25874
 21 | aucae            | v9:460 | aucae            | Camptostoma aucae CHAPMAN, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 178, 1914 —     | 27488
 22 | tobagoensis      | v9:499 | tobagoensis      | Pipromorpha oleaginea tobagoensis CHUBB, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9) 4, p.       | 29808
 nr |      genus       |  page  |       orig       |                                       line                                        | line_nr 
  1 | Pizorhina        | v5:25  | Pizorhina        | Pizorhina choliba CHUBB, Ibis. 1910, p. 75 (Paraguay).                            | 1483
  2 | Syrinum          | v5:34  | Syrinum          | Syrinum albitarse SCLATER, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, p. 263, pl. IX          | 2114
  3 | Cicaba           | v5:35  | Cicaba           | Cicaba huhula HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wis., Munchen, XXII, 1906 p. 576;    | 2184
  4 | Phalaenopis      | v5:44  | Phalaenopis      | Phalaenopis jardinii BONAPARTE, Comp. Rend., XLI, 1855, p. 654 (Andes of          | 2777
  5 | Microthene       | v5:47  | Microthene       | Microthene whitneyi SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 224.               | 2991
  6 | Rhynchopsittacus | v5:56  | Rhynchopsittacus | Rhynchopsittacus pachyrhynchus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891,         | 3586
  7 | Perruche         | v5:59  | Perruche         | Perruche ara pavouane LEVAIL, Perr., 1801, pls. 14-15.                            | 3766
  8 | Bupsittula       | v5:64  | Bupsittula       | Bupsittula canicularis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 168. | 4116
  9 | Myopsitta        | v5:72  | Myopsitta        | Genus MYOPSITTA Bonaparte.                                                        | 4707
 10 | Myopsittacus     | v5:72  | Myopsittacus     | Myopsittacus monachus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 231;          | 4718
 11 | Eucenetus        | v5:99  | Eucenetus        | Eucenetus cingulatus REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1881, pl. 24, Fig. 2.                  | 6559
 12 | Chordeilies      | v5:121 | Chordeilies      | Chordeilies rupestris xyostictus Oberholser. COLOMBIAN NIGHTHAWK.                 | 7965
 13 | Loricalis        | v5:123 | Loricalis        | Loricalis semitorquatus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 621;         | 8079
 14 | Nephocaetus      | v5:142 | Nephocaetus      | Nephocaetus Baird, Rep. Pacific R. R. Survey, IX, 1858, p. 142 (Type Hirundo      | 9315
 15 | Ornisnya         | v5:166 | Ornisnya         | Ornisnya pampa LESSON, Hist. Nat. Colibr., Suppl. Ois. Mouch., 1830-31, p. 127,   | 10968
 16 | Spenoproctus     | v5:166 | Spenoproctus     | Spenoproctus curvipennis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 287, part.   | 10987
 17 | Agytria          | v5:175 | Agytria          | Agytria chionopectus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 431,     | 11554
 18 | Agritrina        | v5:175 | Agritrina        | Agritrina whitelyi CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 397.                     | 11568
 19 | Eryithronata     | v5:182 | Eryithronata     | Eryithronata typica GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pl. 321.                       | 12109
 20 | Chrysonia        | v5:199 | Chrysonia        | Chrysonia eliciae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., pt. XVI, 1858 (Vol. V, 1860), pl. 328;    | 13260
 21 | Agasma           | v5:211 | Agasma           | Agasma smaragdineum GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1860, p. 305 (Novo            | 14109
 22 | Colobri          | v5:219 | Colobri          | Colobri delphinae BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 87 (Type        | 14664
 23 | Alcidus          | v5:232 | Alcidus          | Alcidus bolivianus BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 346.                   | 15514
 24 | Xanthogenyx      | v5:241 | Xanthogenyx      | Xanthogenyx salvini D'HAMONV., Bull. Soc. Zool., France, VIII, 1883, p. 78 (Mt.   | 16115
 25 | Lampropyga       | v5:247 | Lampropyga       | Lampropyga wilsoni SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 134.               | 16530
 26 | Diphogaena       | v5:248 | Diphogaena       | Diphogaena eva SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VI, 1897, p. 30 (Suecha,            | 16607
 27 | Agleactis        | v5:251 | Agleactis        | Agleactis olivaceocauda LAWRENCE, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, p. 470        | 16813
 28 | Boissonneau      | v5:253 | Boissonneau      | Boissonneau flavescens flavescens HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p.      | 16924
 29 | Eripous          | v5:255 | Eripous          | (?) Eripous simplex GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1849, p. 96 (Colombia).        | 17089
 30 | Cyanthus         | v5:278 | Cyanthus         | Cyanthus mocoa BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., 1851, p. 81; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879,   | 18620
 31 | Acestura         | v5:301 | Acestura         | Acestura heliodori ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1900, p. 120; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit.   | 20159
 32 | Cephallepsis     | v5:306 | Cephallepsis     | Cephallepsis delalandi LODDIGES, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1830, p. 12.             | 20521
 33 | Lophronis        | v5:309 | Lophronis        | Lophronis magnificus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., III, 1855, pl. 119; ELLIOT, Syn.       | 20702
 34 | Popelairiae      | v5:314 | Popelairiae      | Popelairiae letitiae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 679,     | 21021
 nr |    epitheton    |  page  |      orig       |                                         line                                         | line_nr 
  1 | megellanicus    | v5:21  | megellanicus    | Asio megellanicus algistus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904,           | 1187
  2 | logophonus      | v5:21  | logophonus      | Asio virginianus logophonus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904,          | 1215
  3 | melanotum       | v5:25  | melanotum       | Syrnium melanotum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 280.                    | 1448
  4 | crucegera       | v5:26  | crucegera       | Otus choliba crucegera HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Archiv. für Naturg., Ab. A. Heft        | 1514
  5 | bendieri        | v5:29  | bendieri        | *Otus asio bendieri (Brewster). CALIFORNIA SCREECH OWL.                              | 1777
  6 | temaulipensis   | v5:36  | temaulipensis   | Strix virgata temaulipensis PHILLIPS, Auk, 1911, p. 76 (Rio Martinez, W.             | 2249
  7 | iulula          | v5:38  | iulula          | Surna iulula pallasi BUTURLIN, Ornith. Monatsb., XV, 1907, p. 100 (Siberia).         | 2388
  8 | haskinsii       | v5:44  | haskinsii       | Glaucidium gnoma haskinsii Brewster. HASKIN'S PIGMY OWL.                             | 2799
  9 | rubrigenis      | v5:54  | rubrigenis      | Sittace rubrigenis SOUANCÉ, Iconogr. Perr., 1857, pl. 3.                             | 3465
 10 | pupureo         | v5:55  | pupureo         | Arara pupureo dorsalis SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 26, pl. XXIV.                    | 3494
 11 | macavouanne     | v5:55  | macavouanne     | Ara macavouanne LEVAIL, Perr., 1801, pl. 1.                                          | 3530
 12 | macavuanna      | v5:55  | macavuanna      | Ara macavuanna SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 165.                    | 3532
 13 | pavouane        | v5:59  | pavouane        | Perruche ara pavouane LEVAIL, Perr., 1801, pls. 14-15.                               | 3766
 14 | aguttae         | v5:60  | aguttae         | Aratinga carolinae aguttae SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, pl. XII.                        | 3879
 15 | pelzii          | v5:64  | pelzii          | Conurus pelzii SOUANCÉ, Icon. Perr., 1857, pl. 9.                                    | 4112
 16 | nandaya         | v5:65  | nandaya         | Aratinga nandaya BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81, No. 754.           | 4190
 17 | parrot          | v5:65  | Parrot          | Carolina Parrot CATESBY, N. H. Carolina, I, pl. XI.                                  | 4211
 18 | icterotes       | v5:66  | icterotes       | Gnathosittaca icterotes SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 208.           | 4286
 19 | izterotis       | v5:66  | izterotis       | [Ognorhynchus] izterotis BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., 1, 1912, p. 83,            | 4288
 20 | amaragdina      | v5:67  | amaragdina      | Pyrrhura amaragdina REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1878-83, t. XXII, Fig. 3.                  | 4338
 21 | orbygenesia     | v5:74  | orbygenesia     | Myopsitta orbygenesia Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 151 (Yungas,        | 4817
 22 | guttureluteo    | v5:78  | gutture-luteo   | Conurus tovi gutture-luteo BOURJ., Perr., 1837-38, pl. 48.                           | 5119
 23 | vinaceous       | v5:82  | vinaceous       | Psittacus vinaceous KUHL, Consp. Psitt., p. 77, 1820 ("Brasilia").                   | 5377
 24 | xanthropteryx   | v5:84  | xanthropteryx   | Amazona aestiva xanthropteryx (Berl.). YELLOW-WINGED PARROT.                         | 5522
 25 | xanthropertyx   | v5:84  | xanthropertyx   | [Amazona] xanthropertyx BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 89.             | 5528
 26 | corrallinus     | v5:92  | corrallinus     | Pionus corrallinus BONAPARTE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. (2), VI, 1854, p. 148            | 6104
 27 | molachitaceus   | v5:94  | molachitaceus   | Psittacus molachitaceus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 40, pl. XXVIII (immature).      | 6265
 28 | huertii         | v5:98  | huertii         | Urochroma huertii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 197,         | 6541
 29 | bodiceps        | v5:100 | bodiceps        | Psittacus bodiceps LEAR, Parr., 1832, pl. 1.                                         | 6638
 30 | stillata        | v5:102 | stillata        | *Streptoceryle torquata stillata (Meyen). SOUTHERN RINGED KINGFISHER.                | 6746
 31 | indo            | v5:105 | indo            | Alcedo indo LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 179 ("India                    | 6902
 32 | lyre            | v5:124 | lyre            | Macropsalis lyre HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 602, part.             | 8123
 33 | sericocaudata   | v5:132 | sericocaudata   | Setochalcis sericocaudata OBERHOLSER, Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. 12.        | 8670
 34 | vauxii          | v5:138 | vauxii          | *Chaetura vauxii (Townsend). VAUX'S SWIFT.                                           | 9025
 35 | phoenicobius    | v5:146 | phoenicobius    | Cypselus phoenicobius CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 87, pl. 22,         | 9549
 36 | longirostirs    | v5:155 | longirostirs    | *Phaethornis longirostirs longirostris (Delattre). GUATEMALAN HERMIT.                | 10194
 37 | subochraceous   | v5:160 | subochraceous   | Phaethornis subochraceous Todd. BOLIVIAN HERMIT.                                     | 10498
 38 | strigularis     | v5:162 | strigularis     | Phaethornis strigularis subrufescens CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI,           | 10648
 39 | condaminii      | v5:165 | condaminii      | *Eutoxeres condaminii condaminii (Bourc.). CONDAMINE'S SICKLE-BILL.                  | 10879
 40 | villavicencio   | v5:168 | villavicencio   | Campylopterus villavicencio (Bourc.). VILLAVICENCIOS SABRE-WING.                     | 11105
 41 | viridcauda      | v5:174 | viridcauda      | Leucippus viridcauda BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1883, p. 493 (Huiro, Peru); SALVIN,            | 11487
 42 | fluvialitis     | v5:178 | fluvialitis     | Agyrtrina fluvialitis fluvialitis (Gould). RIVERINE EMERALD.                         | 11800
 43 | cyanotincta     | v5:180 | cyanotincta     | Polyerata cyanotincta Gounelle. BLUE-SPOTTED HUMMING BIRD.                           | 11917
 44 | caeruliigularis | v5:181 | caeruliigularis | Sapphironia caeruliigularis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pl. 246.                  | 11992
 45 | saucerrotei     | v5:182 | saucerrotei     | Trochilus saucerrotei DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., IX, Sept., 1846, p.         | 12100
 46 | warscewicza     | v5:183 | warscewicza     | Saucerottea saucerottei warscewicza (Cabanis and Heine). WARSCEWICZ'S HUMMING BIRD.  | 12150
 47 | virdifrons      | v5:192 | virdifrons      | Amazilis virdifrons (Elliot). GREEN-FRONTED HUMMING BIRD.                            | 12811
 48 | querrerensis    | v5:192 | querrerensis    | Uranomitra querrerensis SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 14.                           | 12819
 49 | doubeldayi      | v5:195 | doubeldayi      | Circe doubeldayi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pl. 339 (Chinantla, Guerrero).       | 13008
 50 | maugaei         | v5:205 | maugaei         | *Chlorostilbon maugaei (Audebert and Vieillot). PORTO RICAN EMERALD.                 | 13705
 51 | riccordi        | v5:208 | riccordi        | Sporadinus riccordi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 241, part; CORY, Auk, 1886,      | 13916
 52 | columbica       | v5:212 | columbica       | Thalurania columbica GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pl. 106; SALVIN, Cat. Bds.      | 14172
 53 | fanniae         | v5:213 | fanniae         | Thalurania fanniae SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, 1901, p. 210 (Buenaventura).             | 14214
 54 | forcatoides     | v5:213 | forcatoides     | Thalurania furcata forcatoides HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XII, 1905, p. 297; Id.,         | 14258
 55 | bougeri         | v5:233 | bougeri         | Urochroa bougeri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1856, pl. 57; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil.,      | 15568
 56 | cyaneipectus    | v5:233 | cyaneipectus    | *Sternoclyta cyaneipectus (Gould). BLUE-BREASTED HUMMINGBIRD.                        | 15587
 57 | healianthea     | v5:242 | healianthea     | Helianthea healianthea CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 297            | 16208
 58 | aurogastier     | v5:243 | aurogastier     | Trochilus aurogastier FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 16.                   | 16222
 59 | prunellii       | v5:246 | prunellii       | *Helianthea prunellii (Bourc. and Muls.). PRUNELL'S INCA.                            | 16476
 60 | rectrirostris   | v5:249 | rectrirostris   | Lafresnaya saul rectrirostris (Berlepsch and Stolzmann). WHITE-TAILED VELVET-BREAST. | 16675
 61 | schliephacki    | v5:250 | schliephacki    | Docimastes ensifer schliephacki BERLEPSCH and TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc.          | 16730
 62 | aenoesticta     | v5:263 | aenoesticta     | A[delomyia] melanogenys aenoesticta HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 155.            | 17638
 63 | laticlavus      | v5:265 | laticlavus      | Heliangelus laticlavus Salvin. SALVIAN'S SUN ANGEL.                                  | 17746
 64 | stubelii        | v5:272 | stubelii        | Oxypogon stubelii (Meyer). STUBEL'S HELMET-CREST.                                    | 18269
 65 | cyanthus        | v5:279 | cyanthus        | Cyanthus cyanthus SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 70.                      | 18711
 66 | bifurcata       | v5:283 | bifurcata       | Lesbia bifurcata REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Col., 1855, p. 8.                             | 18959
 67 | mossiae         | v5:284 | mossiae         | Cometes mossiae (nom. nud.) GOULD, Rept. Brit. Assn., 1853, p. 68.                   | 19043
 68 | pupureiceps     | v5:287 | pupureiceps     | Heliothrix pupureiceps GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1855, p. 87                    | 19249
 69 | bilophum        | v5:288 | bilophum        | "Heliactin bilophum (Temminck). SUN GEM.                                             | 19278
 70 | angeliae        | v5:289 | angeliae        | Heliomaster angeliae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi- 263.                        | 19382
 71 | heloisae        | v5:303 | heloisae        | Selasphorus heloisae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., III, 1861, pl. 141.                       | 20296
 72 | caliope         | v5:304 | caliope         | *Stellula caliope (Gould). CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD.                                     | 20351
 73 | guimete         | v5:307 | guimete         | Klais guimete merretti BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902,        | 20580
 74 | popelairei      | v5:312 | popelairei      | Prymnacantha popelairei SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 428.             | 20878
 75 | melanosteron    | v5:313 | melanosteron    | *Popelairia langsdorffi melanosteron (Gould). BLACK-BREASTED THORN-BILL.             | 20929
 76 | melanosternum   | v5:313 | melanosternum   | Gouldia melanosternum BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 41 (Peru and           | 20934
 77 | laetitiae       | v5:314 | laetitiae       | Gouldia laetitiae BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 43.                        | 21015
 nr |       genus       |  page  |       orig        |                                      line                                       | line_nr 
  1 | Oegialitis        | v3:63  | Oegialitis        | Oegialitis (sic) falklandica Housse, Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 28, p. 51, 1924 —   | 3889
  2 | Octhodromus       | v3:74  | Octhodromus       | Octhodromus wilsonius wilsonius Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 7, p. 415, 1911 —     | 4507
  3 | Zonybyx           | v3:83  | Zonybyx           | Zonybyx modesta Schalow, Zool. Jahrb., Suppl., 4, p. 666, 1898 — Ushuaia,       | 5056
  4 | Leptosceles       | v3:85  | Leptosceles       | Leptosceles Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, p. 331 — emendation          | 5137
  5 | Gallinazo         | v3:162 | Gallinazo         | Gallinazo (sic) stricklandi Reed, Anal. Univ. Chile, 93, p. 210, 1896— Chile    | 9315
  6 | Oedicnemis        | v3:225 | Oedicnemis        | Oedicnemis bistriatus Nutting, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 6, p. 389, 1884 — Sucuya, | 12690
  7 | Thynocorus        | v3:233 | Thynocorus        | Thynocorus orbignyanus orbignyanus Philippi, Bol. Mus. Nac. Santiago, 16, p.    | 13170
  8 | Magalestris       | v3:244 | Magalestris       | Magalestris antarctica Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 27, p. 98, 1858— Falk-    | 13785
  9 | Hydrocolocus      | v3:253 | Hydrocolocus      | Hydrocolocus Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Nat. Syst. Eur. Thierw., pp. 113, 196,   | 14322
 10 | Chroicocephalum   | v3:282 | Chroicocephalum   | Chroicocephalum glaucotes Bruch, Journ. Orn., 1, p. 105, 1853 — Chile (crit.);  | 15938
 11 | Ryncops           | v3:339 | Ryncops           | Ryncops borealis Swainson, Anim. Menag., p. 340, Dec. 31, 1837 — new name for   | 19104
 12 | Synthliborhamphus | v3:359 | Synthliborhamphus | Synthliborhamphus G. R. Gray, List Gen. Subgen. Bds., 2nd ed., p. 98, 1841      | 20251
 nr |   epitheton    |  page  |      orig      |                                      line                                       | line_nr 
  1 | hilaerea       | v3:14  | hilaerea       | Rhynchaea hilaerea Burmeister, Syst. Uebers. Th. Bras., 3, p. 378, 1856 —       | 1221
  2 | hilarea        | v3:14  | hilarea        | Rhynchaea hilarea Burmeister, Journ. Orn., 8, p. 261, 1860 — Rio Paraná,        | 1224
  3 | pratii         | v3:18  | pratii         | Haematopus palliatus pratii (sic) Low, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 44, p. 19, 1923 —  | 1435
  4 | ostragelus     | v3:23  | ostragelus     | Haematopus ostragelus (sic) pitanay Bullock, Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 41, p. 201, | 1690
  5 | cayamensis     | v3:36  | cayamensis     | Belonopterus cayamensis (sic) Jaffuel and Pirion, Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 31, p. | 2452
  6 | cavennensis    | v3:37  | cavennensis    | Belanopterus cavennensis (sic) occidentalis Bullock, Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 41, | 2474
  7 | pyrrocephalus  | v3:61  | pyrrocephalus  | Charadrius pyrrocephalus Lesson, Voy. Coquille, Zool., 1, (2), livr. 16, p.     | 3818
  8 | paraguiae      | v3:157 | paraguiae      | Gallinago paraguiae (not Scolopax paraguaiae Vieillot) Philippi, Reise Wüste    | 8992
  9 | canuti         | v3:167 | canuti         | Tringa canuti Reiser, Denks. Math.-Naturw. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 76, p. 94,     | 9561
 10 | latreillei     | v3:229 | latreillei     | Attagis gayi latreillei Chubb, Ibis, 1919, p. 260— Chimborazo and               | 12898
 11 | molouina       | v3:231 | molouina       | Attagis molouina (sic) Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, p. 46 — East      | 13055
 12 | maluina        | v3:231 | maluina        | Attagis maluina Oustalet, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, 6, p. B. 107, 1891 — above Bahia | 13058
 13 | orbignianus    | v3:233 | orbignianus    | Thinocorys orbignianus(?) Bruch, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 11, p. 249, 1904 — Santa   | 13158
 14 | cirrhocephalum | v3:282 | cirrhocephalum | Xema cirrhocephalum Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 11, p. 119, 1843— Chile.    | 15924
 15 | antillorum     | v3:320 | antillorum     | Sterna antillorum Coues, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862, p. 552 (monog.);   | 18018
 16 | lacrymans      | v3:350 | lacrymans      | Uria lacrymans (Lapylaie MS.) Valenciennes, in Choris, Voy. Pitt, autour du     | 19739
 17 | tetraculus     | v3:362 | tetraculus     | Simorhynchus tetraculus Coues, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868, p. 43        | 20443
 nr |    genus    |  page  |    orig     |                                      line                                       | line_nr 
  1 | Trachypelma | v1:7   | Trachypelma | Trachypelma Giebel, Thes. Orn., 3, p. 648, 1877 — emendation of Trachypelmus    | 765
  2 | Colodromas  | v1:112 | Colodromas  | Colodromas [sic] elegans (not Eudromia elegans Geoffroy) Koslowsky, Rev. Mus.   | 7030
  3 | Porzona     | v1:364 | Porzona     | Porzona albicollis albicollis Peters, Bds. World, 2, p. 185, 1934 (range);      | 21972
  4 | Ortigops    | v1:389 | Ortigops    | Ortigops notata Marelli, Mem. Min. Obr. Publ. for 1922-23, p. 601, 1924— La     | 23530
  5 | Porphyria   | v1:404 | Porphyria   | Porphyria cyaneicollis Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 6d., 28, p. 28,  | 24352
  6 | Ceriama     | v1:429 | Ceriama     | Ceriama cristata Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. N. H., 5, p. 148, 1893 — Chapada,      | 25772
  7 | Picazuros   | v1:437 | Picazuros   | Picazuros picazuro picazuro Wetmore, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 133, p. 182, 1926 — | 26243
  8 | Camaepelia  | v1:538 | Camaepelia  | Camaepelia talpacoti Ihering, Annuario Est. Rio Grande do Sul, 16, p. 146, 1899 | 32068
  9 | Chamapelia  | v1:540 | Chamapelia  | Chamapelia rufipennis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 25, p. 19, 1857 —        | 32188
 10 | Chamaepilia | v1:541 | Chamaepilia | Chamaepilia rufipennis Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 7, p. 301, 1862 —  | 32237
 11 | Chamaepella | v1:542 | Chamaepella | Chamaepella rufipennis rufipennis Bangs, Auk, 24, p. 292, 1907 — Boruca, Pozo   | 32294
 12 | Chaemapelia | v1:543 | Chaemapelia | Chaemapelia rufipennis rufipennis Hallinan, Auk, 41, p. 310, 1924— Gatun,       | 32335
 13 | Leptopila   | v1:564 | Leptopila   | Leptopila Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 4, No. 35, p. 158, 1873 — emendation of      | 33545
 nr |   epitheton    |  page  |      orig      |                                      line                                       | line_nr 
  1 | dellattrii     | v1:71  | dellattrii     | Crypturellus cinnamomeus dellattrii [sic] Conover, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 46,  | 4652
  2 | nigriguttata   | v1:101 | nigriguttata   | Nothura nigriguttata Dabbene, Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 18, p. 187, 1910 —  | 6432
  3 | greeyi         | v1:134 | greeyi         | Penelope greeyi Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 206, pl. 22 (based on an | 8348
  4 | montagnei      | v1:152 | montagnei      | Penelope montagnei Lönnberg and Rendahl, Ark. Zool., 14, No. 25, p. 15, 1922 —  | 9447
  5 | iacucaca       | v1:155 | iacucaca       | Penelope iacucaca Snethlage, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, 8, p. 56, 1914 (aviary spec).    | 9641
  6 | rufficauda     | v1:180 | rufficauda     | Ortalis rufficauda [sic] Cory, Cat. W. Ind. Bds., p. 96, 1892 — Union Island    | 11172
  7 | reinhardtii    | v1:205 | reinhardtii    | Lagopus rupestris reinhardtii Hantzsch, Journ. Orn., 56, p. 367, 1908 (supposed | 12596
  8 | macrorus       | v1:226 | macrorus       | Dendrortyx macrorus Ogilvie-Grant, Handb. Game-Bds., 2, p. 112, 1897— part,     | 13848
  9 | lelendi        | v1:251 | lelendi        | Eupsychortyx lelendi [sic] Stone, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 84, p. 302,     | 15306
 10 | carauna        | v1:302 | Carauna        | Numenius Carauna [sic] Wied, Reise Bras., 1, p. 320 (8vo ed., p. 317), 1820;    | 18333
 11 | trompeteiro    | v1:310 | Trompeteiro    | "Le Trompeteiro (Agami) Ordinaire ... Psophia" Des Murs, in Castelnau, Exp6d.   | 18796
 12 | rythirhynchus  | v1:315 | rythirhynchus  | Rallus rythirhynchus (not Rallus rytirhynchos Vieillot) Taczanowski, Proc.      | 19077
 13 | rytirhynchus   | v1:315 | rytirhynchus   | Limnopardalus rytirhynchus Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 23, p. 29, 1893 —      | 19086
 14 | rytorhynchus   | v1:316 | rytorhynchus   | Rallus rytorhynchus Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1891, p. 136 — Pica,       | 19153
 15 | rythrhynchus   | v1:317 | rythrhynchus   | Rallus rythrhynchus [sic] Reed, Anal. Univ. Chile, 49, p. 565, 1877 —           | 19239
 16 | erythyrhynchus | v1:317 | erythyrhynchus | Rallus erythyrhynchus [sic] Reed, Anal. Univ. Chile, 93, p. 209, 1896 — Chile.  | 19243
 17 | rhythirhynchus | v1:318 | rhythirhynchus | Rallus rhythirhynchus (not Rallus rytirhynchos Vieillot) Oustalet, Miss. Sci.   | 19297
 18 | rhytirhynchus  | v1:319 | rhytirhynchus  | Rallus rhytirhynchus Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, p.       | 19350
 19 | cayanea        | v1:353 | cayanea        | Aramides cayanea chiricote Bangs, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl., 2, p. 14, 1900—    | 21403
 20 | ipecaha        | v1:358 | ipecaha        | Aramides ipecaha Hudson, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1876, p. 105 — Buenos Aires    | 21642
 21 | ipacaha        | v1:358 | ipacaha        | Aramides ipacaha Marelli, Mem, Min. Obr. Publ. for 1922-23, p. 600, 1924— Prov. | 21645
 22 | alfara         | v1:377 | alfara         | Creciscus alfara [sic] Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 23, p. 241, 1894 (ex       | 22776
 23 | aenops         | v1:378 | aenops         | Creciscus aenops Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 23, p. 140, 1894 — Sarayacu;     | 22853
 24 | melanophaia    | v1:378 | melanophaia    | Porzana melanophaia Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, Ralli, p. 35, 1865 — Brazil.       | 22890
 25 | leucopyrrha    | v1:385 | leucopyrrha    | Corethrura leucopyrrha Hartlaub, Syst. Ind. Azara, p. 24, 1847 — Paraguay.      | 23288
 26 | porphyria      | v1:404 | porphyria      | Fulica porphyria (not of Linnaeus) Richard and Bernard, Act. Soc. Hist. Nat.    | 24349
 27 | ruifrons       | v1:420 | ruifrons       | Fulica ruifrons [sic] Philippi, Anal. Univ. Chile, 31, p. 279, 1868 — central   | 25270
 28 | lecopygia      | v1:420 | lecopygia      | Fulica lecopygia [sic] Reed, Anal. Univ. Chile, 49, p. 566, 1877 — Cauquenes,   | 25273
 29 | lencopyga      | v1:420 | lencopyga      | Fulica lencopyga [sic] Reed, Anal. Univ. Chile, 93, p. 209, 1896 — Chile.       | 25280
 30 | caribbea       | v1:442 | caribbea       | Columba caribbea Gosse, Bds. Jamaica, p. 291, 1847 — Jamaica (habits).          | 26502
 31 | carribea       | v1:442 | carribea       | Columba carribea March, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1863, p. 301 — Jamaica.   | 26506
 32 | iessieae       | v1:490 | iessieae       | Zenaida iessieae [sic] Snethlage, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, 8, p. 63, 1914 — Ereré,     | 29273
 33 | godinae        | v1:536 | godinae        | Ch[amaepelia] godinae Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, p. 22,      | 31971
 34 | riottii        | v1:574 | riottii        | Leptoptila riottii Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 312 (crit.).                          | 34105
 35 | albifascies    | v1:612 | albifascies    | Oreopeleia albifascies albifascies Stone, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 84, p.  | 36296

That's all of the listed 'name words' from the 6086 page manuscript of the Americas Catalogue.


Congratulations on completing your nomenclathon! A worthy task and much appreciated. I have been away (on a Billy Fury & Beatles-fest), and succumbed to Giebelitis upon my return (so some of your findings I had already foreseen). A few of the names are new (duly acknowledged) and others are vernaculars, but the only epithets I could not confirm (at least in my copy of the Catalogue) were Porphyria and porphyria.
Well done, again.
Hi James,
I see you've now processed all those Hellmayr name lists, thank you. And yes, Porphyria and porphyria should both end in -o. I fixed them now but I'm afraid the manuscript still has quite a few OCR errors although it's now much better than the original that I downloaded.
There are stll some Peters' files to do (11 to 15, I think) but it will be a few weeks before I get to those (work, holiday, etc) .

• Re. "Phyllomyia ..." ... as in the quote (in post #255):
"Phyllomyia modesta REINHARDT", in "Vidensk. [Videnskabelige] Medd. [Meddelelser fra den] naturhist. [naturhistoriske] Foren. [Förening i Kjöbenhavn (Copenhagen)], 1870, p. [348]" = here (indeed as "Phyllomyia modesta Rhdt.").

Though, this Danish text doesn't show anything indicating that Reinhardt himself considered this Generic name as new:
Dens noget plumpe og korte, ved Roden temmelig brede Næb ligner meest Næbet hos Phyllomyia, og jeg giver den derfor forelöbig Plads i denne Slægt; ...
... which means something like:
"Its rather plumb and short, by the Base fairly wide Beak/Bill mostly looks like the Beak/Bill of Phyllomyia, and I therefore prefer to place it in this Genus; ..."

Also note the preceding species: "Phyllomyia brevirostris (Spix)".

As well, note that Ridgway (in 1907) writes the former taxon as "Phyllomyias modesta" (here), with the very same reference.

Thereby, I assume it's simply a typo/Printer's error for/of Phyllomyias (coined by Cabanis & Heine 1859).

Either way, enjoy!

James, in Vol. 8 of Magazin de Zoologie ... (1838) I happened to notice a Generic name: "Chrysonotus, Nob." (here), coined by Alcide d’Orbigny, for a Non-woodpecker/species/taxon/taxa (in Icteridae) ... not listed in the Key (which today only includes specified taxa in Picidae):
5. Chrysonotus, Nob. — Affinis hæc species Cassico icteronoto; sed differt rostro rectiore, cauda longiore et coloribus. Rostrum in exuvia flavo-albidum , in viva basi obscure cæruleo nebulatum, apice depressiusculum; casside frontali angusta tereti quamvis posterius rotundata. Supra et subtus totus major dorso postico et uropygio tantum flavo-aurantiis tectricibus caudæ superis ac inferis nigris; alæ his Cassici icteronoti longitudine æquales, sed cauda multo longiore maris nigredine supra nitente, fœminæ obscura; hujus nonnullæ alarum tectrices mediæ punctis aut striis minimis aurantis terminantur. An majorum macularum in aliis speciminibus indicium?

Also compare with the preceding taxon, No.4: Cassicus/"Psaroclius" [i.e. Psarocolius] "icteronotus"). The same spellings/versions were also used/quoted by Cassin, in 1867, here.

If relevant/useful/needed ...?


James, in Vol. 8 of Magazin de Zoologie ... (1838) I happened to notice a Generic name: "Chrysonotus, Nob." (here), coined by Alcide d’Orbigny, for a Non-woodpecker/species/taxon/taxa (in Icteridae) ... not listed in the Key (which today only includes specified taxa in Picidae):

Also compare with the preceding taxon, No.4: Cassicus/"Psaroclius" [i.e. Psarocolius] "icteronotus"). The same spellings/versions were also used/quoted by Cassin, in 1867, here.

If relevant/useful/needed ...? :rolleyes:

Despite the capital C, I wonder if it is not simply a species in the genus Cacicus (otherwise it would be treated separately in another section)

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