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Cala Bona, Majorca 24th Sept – 8th October 2005 (2 Viewers)


This was around our tenth visit to this location and I’ve posted reports in previous years – here’s the 2003 trip report for details of location and comparison of birds seen. Several photo links don't work probably due to the site crash which also lost the 2004 report.

Each year we’ve visited has seen more or less the same range of species but sometimes one or another more numerous. In 2002 it was Pied Flycatcher, 2003 was Stone Curlew, 2004 Wryneck and this year it was Spotted Flycatcher, Blackbird and various raptors. Also Woodchat Shrike - the first one I have seen in Majorca (plenty in Menorca though).

The first week of the holiday it was quite warm, more so than usual at this time of the year with temperatures hovering around 28°C (82°F). The second week was cooler with rain on a couple of days and quite a bit of cloud around.

Overall the birding, just a couple of hours each morning or afternoon was a lot tougher this year. I ended up with just about as many species as usual but they were in far fewer numbers and a lot harder to spot, being much more wary of my presence than previously. I know I’ve put on a bit of weight over the last year but there isn’t really that much more of me that would disturb them ;) I put it down to the overly hot weather making them keep to cover!

List of birds seen.

Audouins Gull – daily sightings with 4-5 from the hotel balcony each morning.
Shag – juveniles and adults – a pair each morning from the hotel balcony.
House Sparrow – very numerous all around the resort.
Kestrel – pair at least each day – strangely larger than the ones we have locally in the UK.
Red-legged Partridge – 7 on the first day – a yearly sighting.
Sardinian Warbler – always around but only ever fleeting glimpse this year.
Blackbird – very numerous this year one of the commonest birds sighted.
Blue Rock Thrush – a yearly tick but only one for certain this year.
Serin – very numerous in mixed flocks with Linnets and Sparrows.
Linnets – very numerous.
Tree Sparrow – several small groups around edges of resort.
Common Redstart – a couple of females sighted.
Spotted Flycatcher – very numerous in the first week but just a few by the second week.
Stonechat – numerous but not as many as in previous years. Easy to spot on bush tops.
Greenfinch – quite numerous in the almond groves.
Hoopoe – at least 3 seen every day but not as common as on previous visits.
Wryneck – only one bird seen this year – though another found as road kill.
Goldfinch – quite common.
Collared Dove – numerous
Turtle Dove – a couple seen - never very numerous and still very wary of people.
Mediterranean Gull
Yellow-legged Gull
Willow Warbler – several seen
Nightingale – seen several times Costa de los Pinos.
Robin – several Costa de los Pinos.
Great Tit – several Costa de los Pinos.
Crossbill – flocks of 6-7 Costa de los Pinos and Port Verde.
Fan-tailed Warbler – several about.
Booted Eagle – seen most days over Son Severa and Costa de los Pinos.
Little Egret – just one in the resort this year though several around the airport.
Cattle Egret – two in the resort and several by the airport.
Barn Swallow – overhead most days.
Grey-cheeked Parrot – seen several times. Escapee most likely!
Cirl Bunting – several around this year.
Winter Wren – several Costa de los Pinos.
Goldcrest – several Punta de n’Amer and Costa de los Pinos.
Firecrest – several times seen in pairs very close views Costa de los Pinos.
Siskin – fewer than usual – Costa de los Pinos and odd ones in mixed orchard flocks.
Common Sandpiper – by the Cala Bona Harbour
Woodchat Shrike – one seen just about daily always in the same spot.
Northern Wheatear – just the odd one or two in the Almond groves.
Stone Curlew – 3 most visits under Olive bushes by Port Vell.
Rock Sparrow – several around the resort area.
Whinchat – usually several seen but just he one this year.
Blackcap – another usually numerous bird but just a few this time.
Osprey – one bird sighted a couple of time Costa de los Pinos.
Feral Pigeon – very numerous Costa de los Pinos.
Spectacled Warbler
Bonelli’s Warbler
Starling – only one seen and that was on the last day!

I've no doubt there were a few more Warbler species about - but they can be pretty trying to ID.

There were quite a few raptors around on several days during our stay mostly by the ridge over Costa de los Pinos drifting down as far as Son Severa and sometimes over the bay. Kestrel, Osprey and Egyptian Vulture were for sure. Black and Red Kite were about but several eagles/buzzards left me stumped. Two of which had yellow wing tags which from the sketches I made were most likely Long-legged Buzzard. Bonelli’s Eagle were also possible - next year I’ll have to take the Collins!!!

Other critters seen were several butterflies – including Wall, Swallowtail, Pasha, Brimstone and Large White. Hummingbird Hawk Moths. Several grasshoppers, lizards and a Nosed Grasshopper. Bats were numerous in the resort as were various fishes in the harbour.


  • Audouins Gull P1050269ao.JPG
    Audouins Gull P1050269ao.JPG
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  • Cirl Bunting DSCN1043ao.JPG
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  • Crossbill DSCN1040ao.JPG
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  • Egyptian Vulture DSCN1162ao.JPG
    Egyptian Vulture DSCN1162ao.JPG
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  • Hoopoe P1050174a.JPG
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A few more photos -


  • Hoopoe P1040600a.JPG
    Hoopoe P1040600a.JPG
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  • House Sparrow P1040846a.JPG
    House Sparrow P1040846a.JPG
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  • Kestrel DSCN1095.JPG
    Kestrel DSCN1095.JPG
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  • Macaw P1040673a.JPG
    Macaw P1040673a.JPG
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  • Robin P1040738a.JPG
    Robin P1040738a.JPG
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Last ones -


  • Serin DSCN0821a.JPG
    Serin DSCN0821a.JPG
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  • Shag P1040799a.JPG
    Shag P1040799a.JPG
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  • Spotted Flycatcher P1040748a.JPG
    Spotted Flycatcher P1040748a.JPG
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  • Stonechat DSCN0815a.JPG
    Stonechat DSCN0815a.JPG
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  • Stonecurlew DSCN0897a.JPG
    Stonecurlew DSCN0897a.JPG
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These are the last -


  • Treesparrow DSCN0994a.JPG
    Treesparrow DSCN0994a.JPG
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  • YLG DSCN1139.JPG
    YLG DSCN1139.JPG
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  • Woodchat Shrike DSCN0936a.JPG
    Woodchat Shrike DSCN0936a.JPG
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  • Woodchat Shrike DSCN0955a.JPG
    Woodchat Shrike DSCN0955a.JPG
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  • Woodchat Shrike P1050092ao.JPG
    Woodchat Shrike P1050092ao.JPG
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lark o'dell said:
nice list and great photos how was the food if you eat out?
The food was great but this year we just stuck with the hotel fare. We stayed at the Hotel Alicia in Cala Bona. There are several very good restaurants though in Cala Bona.
Ian, No4 is a Booted Eagle but you probably know that.

I don't know of any Long-legged Buzzards being winged tagged. Have you any photos?

Well that was it for the birds but a few insects also -


  • Brimstone P1050146a.JPG
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  • Bug DSCN0874aa.JPG
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john barclay said:
Ian, No4 is a Booted Eagle but you probably know that.

I don't know of any Long-legged Buzzards being winged tagged. Have you any photos?

Actually I didn't, but thanks for that John :t:

No joy with photos of the wing-tagged bird. Easy to get raptors in the scope but not so easy to fiddle on and get the camera in place in time! The now Booted Eagle shots were more luck than anything. LLB is only a guestimate from the rough sketches I made - they seemed to most fit but easily may not be. There were always a pair of them together - one with a pale body and one dark bodied - but the same wing and tail markings.
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A few more insects and one of the partial eclipse -


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  • Swallowtail P1050140a.JPG
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  • Wall Brown P1050361a.JPG
    Wall Brown P1050361a.JPG
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So you got the partial eclipse well down there. :t:

It was cloudy on the Scillies while we were looking for Red-eyed Vireos I think.
IanF said:
Actually I didn't, but thanks for that John :t:

No joy with photos of the wing-tagged bird. Easy to get raptors in the scope but not so easy to fiddle on and get the camera in place in time! The now Booted Eagle shots were more luck than anything. LLB is only a guestimate from the rough sketches I made - they seemed to most fit but easily may not be. There were always a pair of them together - one with a pale body and one dark bodied - but the same wing and tail markings.


They sound awfully like Booted Eagle to me - and far more likely than L-l B.

Just to confuse things I thought that photo 4 was a Honey Buzzard!!
Rob Smallwood said:

They sound awfully like Booted Eagle to me - and far more likely than L-l B.

Just to confuse things I thought that photo 4 was a Honey Buzzard!!


Although the photo is out of focus this bird is a Booted.

Even a very pale Honey would never show such ample 'hand' (Collins) or such extensive dark broad flight feathers as this individual. This is a classic pale Booted...or 'The Little eagle'.

As a child I well remember watching an all dark raptor in the Camargue. My scribbled notes of that day in the early sixties reads..buzzard like raptor but with a pinkish tail and pale inner primaries (wedge)....

For years this bird remained in my young memory. It weren't no Buteo I told myself. Then the books arrived in the late sixties. In those books we had dark phase Booted Eagle described and drawn..It was my first dark phase Booted Eagle.


PS. Even out of focus photos are instructive. :hi:
Thanks for the input John. I must admit that I have very little experience of these Raptor species other than the annual trip over there which is really a family holiday rather than for birding. It's always a little frustrating seeing them and not being able to identify them especially with so many in the skies at once.
Majorca is the perfect intro in to the ID of raptors; not too many not too few.

The reservoirs can be good in spring or early summer but don't forget that all important bottle/s of water. The raptors and wheatears are a learning exercise in ID.

The Long-legged are unlikley to be Booted Eagles.

Why don't you post your sketches..I bet they are no where near as bad as mine!!! :brains:

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john barclay said:

Although the photo is out of focus this bird is a Booted.

Even a very pale Honey would never show such ample 'hand' (Collins) or such extensive dark broad flight feathers as this individual. This is a classic pale Booted...or 'The Little eagle'.

Sorry - I wasn't questioning the ID - it clearly IS a Booted - I was just illustrating how first impressions can be wrong! (it also shows me that my monitor at work is awful!).

I cut my European raptor teeth in Mallorca - and found that dark phase Booted was more likely to be confused with Marsh Harrier than any eagle!
great report and photos!
I asked around about the tagged raptors, the only raptors tagged here are red kites. from your description they still sound a lot like dark phase-light phase booted eagles though. Post your sketches!!
If they were tagged booted eagles we could try and find out from which country which would be really interesting.....

Siskin, Bonelli's and Goldcrest are rare here so well done!

The Woodchat shrike is... Balearic Woodchat Shrike: lanius senator badius.


This woodchat shrike actually looks a bit like a ssp senator to me (not enough white on wing). probably mistaken though ;)
On the autumn migration we get a lot passing through though this one is late for the trip report dates (end of Sept max)

Could be right about the shrike. I have it somwhere in this addled brain of mine that the lack of a primary patch made it, badius.

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