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Cannock Chase - where to go? (1 Viewer)


New member
Could anyone recommend particularly good spots for birding on the Chase? I don't know the area all that well and have only ever been with others to places like Birches Valley, the visitor centre and the German war cemetery, all of which tend to be too busy with dog walkers and cyclists etc.! Not very picky about wanting to see anything in particular but I would very much appreciate recommendations of quieter areas where people have had some good spots/birding experiences.

Thank you :)

Hi Steph...
I don't know too much about the chase but this area around Fredas Grave has several feeding stations...think they have been set up by fellow birdwatchers/photographers...and at the right time of the year the Rutting Deer are here abouts.
If you go to this area there ARE a lot of dog walkers in the car park but it's a huge place for them to get out of the way.
I know alot of people who use these feeding stations and live around there are on Talk photography - the birds forum.

Keith :t:


  • Fredas grave copy.jpg low.jpg
    Fredas grave copy.jpg low.jpg
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Timing is everything as some of the best birding areas on the Chase are also the mostr popular. Try Stepping Stones / Seven Springs early morning in a few weeks time when Redatart, Pied Fly, Wood Warbler, Tree Pipit, Cuckoo etc are all in.
Do the Nightjar still perform on the chase nowadays ?
They are spectacular when flying around churring and flapping wings together then resting on the track thinking you can not see them.

Keith :t:
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