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Citrine Wagtail - Northern Thailand - 2 days ago (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear Members and Bird Watchers!

My last question from my birding tour to Chiang Rai.

Bangkok area and I seen many Yellow Wagtails in the rice paddies. I have many pictures, young or old, they have dark coloured cheeks.

I spotted one bird with yellow head and a greyish cap. No Yellow Wagtails look like this in my books, my old pictures or the eBird pictures I have searched.

The Citrine have yellow head and the female have coloured cap and cheeks. But the male have a full yellow head. And as I have never seen the Citrine Wagtail before I have no pictures. eBird have many pictures and all with yellow head or the female with cap and cheeks coloured.

But there was some pictures of a M.c. calcarata that looked like my bird. Yellow head with coloured cap

In my books, two books only mention Motacilla citreola

And one book mention both the Motacilla citreola and the M.c. calcarata Northern and Southern Citrine Wagtail

Is it possible to ID this bird from this poor pictures, bushes between me and the bird

Kind Regards and Happy Birding


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