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Combined trip (1 Viewer)

Andy Adcock

Worst person on Birdforum
Umm al-Qaiwan
I've got the seed of an idea for a trip which would include Cuba, Jamaica and The Dominican Republic.

Can anyone tell me if this sounds feasible, logistically and financially and how many days would be needed on each for a good chance of 'mopping up'?

I tend not to use guides unless for a particularly tough species so may need a bit longer than usual and I don't really want to be rushing around. Could it be done in six weeks or even less?

I seen all possible birds in Cuba in 8 days, Jamaica 3 days the DR in about 5 days. Although I probably got lucky.
I used about 9 days in DR without mopping up all possible species. Time of year is important for some of them, September is not the best option. Guy Kirwan et al made a site guide to the greater antilles a few years ago.

I used about 9 days in DR without mopping up all possible species. Time of year is important for some of them, September is not the best option. Guy Kirwan et al made a site guide to the greater antilles a few years ago.


Thanks Niels

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