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Crested Serpent or Kinabalu (Mountain) Serpent Eagle? Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Date: 15-Oct-2021
Location: Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia

It flew over a local park. This town, Sibu is considered low land area and far away from Sabah. It would be little unusual seeing Kinabalu Serpent Eagle (Mountain Serpent Eagle) in this area. Based on its wings' white pattern, it is little different compare to Crested but I maybe wrong using this as comparison. Also the body appeared darker. Both pic below were same eagle (one seen only).


This photo I purposely increase the brightness and shadow so can see the underneath better.

Thanks for any help.
It's a Crested Serpent Eagle indeed. Mountain Serpent Eagle is darker and broader-winged, with a simple, contrasting underwing pattern consisting of solid dark coverts, a broad, well-defined white band at the base of the flight feathers and a broad black trailing edge. The black terminal and basal bands are broader and contrast more with the clean white mid-section of the tail. Overall a rather pied-looking bird. It would also be highly improbable at this location.
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