I recall that people, when given a selection of photos of random strangers of the opposite sex prefer/express a sexual preference for people with more symmetrical faces in some study. The process is somewhat subconscious iirc.
I think it indicates fitness, eg in humans the more symmetrical (perfect) a human face the less likely to be afflicted with boils, parasites or other indicators of less fitness (and thus passing on of strong genes when selected for mating), and gene expression of both sides of the face with good symmetry roughly equalling beauty and perhaps a lack of inbreeding* etc
Or something like that.
Googling "
symmetry in mate selection" comes up with various eg for moths -
Sexual selection in a moth: effect of symmetry on male mating success in the wild
Without exploring further, presume the same goes for birds etc with long tail feathers or other features. As humans we love symmetry. Presumably the aesthetics can be assigned thus in a cold scientific world ... and perhaps some reasoning behind certain ocd behaviours (order etc) - there is always a
reason, even if it perhaps gets hijacked along the way somewhere.
*(More research needed perhaps, but also a bit dodgy ground)
A car with one front wing panel the wrong colour just looks awful. At least if both panels are the same colour it looks a lot better.