Artificial intelligence is just that - artificial! I personally wouldn't want the pleasure of the hard-learned skill of identifying vocalisations to be taken away from me by a 'robot'. I don't see the point of it unless your birding revolves solely around ticking off species on a list.
An absolutely bizarre contribution in my view.
Sitting on a bench at Point Pelee during a rather busy minute, I ran Merlin and it enabled me to isolate a number of American wood warbler songs that I simply would not have picked up and I would probably otherwise have ignored. Nothing to do with ticking anything. Everything to do with learning the bird sounds around me.
It enhanced the experience. If anything, it also made the birding experience far harder work forcing me not to ignore any sounds.
It is difficult really to see much in this post other than a built in prejudice against something of which the poster is largely ignorant and a desire to take a bit of a swipe at other people only being interested in ticks.
I may be totally wrong and the poster may be more open-minded and less judgemental than appears from his post.
Indeed, he may have been able to identify all of the songs in the attached from Pelee without assistance unlike me. Many of the vocalisations appeared to depend on rhythm to my ear and some species had quite different variations of songs. The App allows you to click on the species identified and listen to the vocalisations from the library. It encourages you to question it and learn from the experience.
Edit - in contrast to the Pelee experience, the Moroccan recordings attached contained nothing unfamiliar. It was simply being run as a background check and enhancement to wandering along birding. But again, it encouraged me to listen to all the vocalisations.
Edit - the App also allows you to use it for your own recordings and to build up your own library. The poster may already have a means of doing this. I hope to use that functionality more in future. It will improve my own birding experiences. I made a start with the Ham Wall Great Reed Warbler:-
Edit - a further point occurs. I have seen the App really enhance the experiences of casual or non-birders from nature walks by helping them on the sounds around them. That can only be a positive thing! Indeed, they may even become birders in the future.
I encourage the poster and others that think his post has validity to give the App a try in the right circumstances. A new world awaits that can enhance your birding.
The App will improve in its accuracy and the coverage will improve. Add you own recordings and you will be part of that process.
All the best