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Dove, Costa Rica, February (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Looking through my photos from Costa Rica Feb 2015, I came across a shot of a dove, and can't decide whether it's a Grey-chested Dove, Leptotila cassinii or a White-tipped Dove, Leptotila verreauxi. I was leaning towards the former but would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance

Only been to Costa Rica once, and that was this February
From the reading I did in advance I would guess at White-tipped Dove

Interesting our tour leader took us into a housing complex to show the bus driver a European Collared Dove
White-tipped. In Costa Rica, Panama this has bluish skin around the eye (as here): grey-chested has reddish. Both have white tail corners but they're more extensive on white-tipped. We can see some evidence of the tips here and can infer they're extensive
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