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Essex Kingfishers (1 Viewer)

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs
The Kingfisher on patrol along the back straight of the Stanford Warren lakes.
It's either on the lakes of the reeds.
one evening it flew over from the reeds and gave a really loud shrill call and then the 2 tone call.
Bumped into another birder who'd once seen a Bittern on the Warren.
He'd also seen the SEO, Barn Owl and a Marsh Harrier recently.
Kingfisher down Stanford Warren, Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs evening along the back fishing lake.
A pair of Egyptian Geese with seven chicks, the parents honking away.
Yesterday evening the Kingfisher was fishing on the back lake of the Stanford Warren lakes.
As I left another flew in. They're either on the lakes or the reeds of the NR, they fly over the hedge.
This evening they flew in from the NR reeds, one did a quick tutting noise, I never heard before,
then 2 minutes later another one flew over.
Reports of another pair on the Wharf lake.
Reports of a Marsh Harrier and a SEO.
I just saw one of them disappear over a hedge the other week.
Stanford Wharf and Warren this week;
So maybe the Kingfisher flies out of the reeds and up the lakes to Stanford Wharf,
very vocal Kingfisher on the Wharf lakes a couple evenings this week.
Also my first ever Water Rail on the lakes.
I have heard them call before.
So many flies in some places the birds wait to fly out and catch them.
Stanford Warren, 2 Kingfisher on Monday making a noise and after that nothing.
I'll wait to see if the Kingfisher are still around.
Stanford Warren, so I've checked all the lakes and I reckon the Kingfisher are gone.
They disappeared the same time last year.
Down Warren Gorge, a Kingfisher flew across the lakes calling.
So Stanford Warren, one lake I cannot access, Wharfpool.
And what flew from there today?
Yes a Kingfisher.
Marsh Harrier Monday it flew over our heads.
Tuesday 16th April; my first Nightingale of the year back down Stanford Wharf, same place as last year.
I was stood right next to it and the song was very rich.
At Thurrock Thameside NR, Stanford Warren and Stanford Wharf this week;
A pair of Barn Owls, a pair of Marsh Harrier, Cuckoos, Kingfisher, Skylarks
The usual Nightingale was by the newt pond.
Another was heard further along by the balancing pond.
I heard one by the Thurrock entrance, it was there a couple hours.
I note someone else on EBWS heard the Nightingale by the Thurrock Thameside entrance over the weekend.
I didn't hear it this evening.
The Stanford Wharf Nightingale did not start singing until almost 8.00pm.
I thought it was going to be a no show (singing show lol)
A Kingfisher again on Stanford Warren.
Not sure if it's the same one as on the Wharf lakes.
I don't think so as it visits the reeds.
It might be nesting on the fishing lake islands.
The Kingfisher was on the fishing lakes Monday to Thursday this week at Stanford Warren.
Not sure if it's nesting.
Also reports of the pair on the Wharf lakes.
The Nightingale was singing Monday to Thursday, Stanford Wharf. Some evenings it does not start singing until 8.00. Very quietly though. I don't remember the one last year starting that late and so quietly.
Nightingales singing this evening at Stanford Warren, the newt pond and Wharf Road, next to Travis Perkins.
There could be more in the locked fishery.
The Kingfisher has gone quiet on Stanford Wharf, so I took a run to a lake by the tip at TTNP.
A Kingfisher flew past.
Kestrel hovering and Starlings gathering on the tip.
I ran three laps around TTNP, plenty of Skylarks.
I was then walking back to Stanford Wharf and briefly heard a Nightingale sing 3 times.
Quite quiet and it was then drowned out by a Song Thrush and Blackbird.
it was near the Mucking Sluice and in the same place one was singing last year.
That's now four locations Nightingales sing at Stanford Wharf and TTNP.
A good week down Thurrock Thameside. On Monday as I was running up to the visitor centre a Kingfisher flew past in front of me. Tuesday there was a Hare. I reckon I saw 2 Hobbies up high chasing the Swifts. Then Wednesday & Thursday the Kingfisher was back on the back fishing lake.
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