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European Bee-eater: Nearby Naples? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all,

I'll be in Naples and Procida at the end of April, and hoping to sneak in a little birding.

I have always wanted to see a European Bee-eater, and wondering if there is any chance nearby Naples. I suspect I will be too early. Any recommendations? Lago de'Averne?

Thank you!

Hello Erik, surely the timing is a bit "borderline", but I am speaking about us, maybe further south it will be ok. You could get in touch with the guys at Birding Campania, who should be able to help. If you visit this page: https://www.ebnitalia.it/it/news-12/nodi-ebn-italia.html and scroll down towards the bottom you will find Birding Campania, click on the name of the contact person and you will get his email.
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