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Famous or celebrity birders. (1 Viewer)

I wonder what else he had stashed away? In his bowler, for example.

Joe Brown, the famous climber, not the singer, was into birdwatching. He was the one on the telly who got gobbed at by a fulmar when he was climbing the Old Man Of Hoy. An early use of four-letter words before the watershed.

apparently Norman Lamont (ex-chancellor)and Judith Chalmers are birders too and I've heard Vic Reeves mentioned as well.

on the subject Of Bristol Rovers and goalkeepers apparently Nigel Martyn used to be a trainspotter when younger
treecreeper said:
apparently Norman Lamont (ex-chancellor)and Judith Chalmers are birders too and I've heard Vic Reeves mentioned as well.

on the subject Of Bristol Rovers and goalkeepers apparently Nigel Martyn used to be a trainspotter when younger

I saw Norman Lamont when I was on my way up to Shetland for the Pallas's Sandgrouse. I thought I was just unlucky.
Harold Wilson was another one. Maybe it was Her Royal Highness Princess Whatsername of Japan that turned him onto birdwatching during a state visit. Maybe not.

London Birder said:
isn't that mad looking bloke from The Prodigy a birder ?

Keith Flint!?!?!?!?
In my surprise, I just googled him and found out that as a youngster he was a quiet lad who liked animals (he tried to nurse a hurt hedgehog or something). I might suggest that his more recent lifestyle is more consistent with the confusion of great tit for indigo bunting...
johnraven said:
Keith Flint!?!?!?!?
In my surprise, I just googled him and found out that as a youngster he was a quiet lad who liked animals (he tried to nurse a hurt hedgehog or something). I might suggest that his more recent lifestyle is more consistent with the confusion of great tit for indigo bunting...

lol :clap:
Ppedro said:
Once saw the beautiful American actress Daryll Hannah on a chat show a few years back mention the new Sibley guide when asked about her interest in Birding - think it might have been the Graham Norton show.
Way back in the early eighties there used to be a brilliant goalkeeper called George Wood who played for Everton, Arsenal and Scotland. I can remember reading a question and answer article in a kids football magazine at the time and in answer to " who in the world would you most like to meet" his reply was Desmond Nethersole-Thompson. Can also remember an article in a paper when he was picked for the scottish world cup squad for Spain in 1982 in which he said he was pleased to be going because of all the raptor species he might see. ( Guess a premiership player these days could just hire a Lear Jet for the weekend ! )

George Wood IS a serious birder and bird ringer. Shame, like all Scots, he wasn't a serious goalkeeper.
choupique1 said:
dick cheney.......one can't be a duck hunter without also being a birdwatcher..

bill clinton........ ditto above...

Dick Cheney is a birdwatcher only in the same sense as my aptly named cat, Genghis. I now keep Genghis indoors where his opportunities to slaughter Goldfinches and engage in random mayhem are greatly reduced. Would that we could say the same for Dick.

London Birder said:
isn't that mad looking bloke from The Prodigy a birder ?

Hmmm... I've always thought those little tufts on either side of Keith Flint's head looked a bit too much like a baby songbird's downy 'do to be a coincidence. Back when Prodigy was relatively new, I mentioned this resemblance to a 20-something banding volunteer who had just handed me a fledgling American Robin - she was shocked that an aging hippie like me had any idea who or what Prodigy was.

One of the more competent young birders whose company I've enjoyed in the field had a goth-punk sense of style reminiscent of Mr. Flint's - black mesh T-shirt over a black sleeveless shirt, black baggy shorts, and black Doc Martens accented with knee-length red and white Wicked Witch of the West socks and long, naturally red dredlocks pulled into a spectacular topknot. Very quiet, respectful young man, a crack bird spotter, and very good on ID. Some of the "mainstream" birders were pretty freaked out by him at first, but there could hardly have been a better lesson in not judging someone on looks alone.
TV actor Richard ("The Sentinel") Burgi is reportedly a big birder. Even had his own bird posters decorating the set of his home on the show.
devon.birder said:
I was going to mention Mike Hooper, Tim, but I thought nobody else would know who he was!!!. I remember reading an article by him in some magazine when he was still playing for Liverpool reserves. Roger
Mike Hooper, now a bouncer in Durham.
I'm sure I overheard a conversation recently about Alfred Wainwright, famous author of walking guides, being a birdwatcher. I can't verify that, nor the continuation of the conversation which stated he was also a miserable old get.

And whilst on the subject of not-particularly-famous birdwatchers, my mate George was also into birdwatching. He was a local celebrity for having been banned from a record number of pubs in the Dales back in the 1960s. I won't say for what.

Right back at the start of the post some one asked if anyone had seen Ken Clarke birding. I once saw him out on New Years Day at Rutland Water. Obviously a year lister too! I bet Lee Evans is shaking in his crocodile leather shoes!

Also saw a programme with both him (Ken, not Lee) and Norman Lamont on it - both birding. I seem to remember Clarke identifying Sedge Warbler on call so he must know a bit...

I also seem to remember the same programme 'outing' Michael Heseltine as a birder but saw no 'in the field' proof.

I've also seen Rory McGrath on a travel show birding on the Norfolk coast. There is a statue of Eric Morecombe with a pair of bins round his neck.

I hear Vic Reeve's and Jarvis Cocker all the time mentioned, but never heard any conclusive proof.

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