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Garden Kites in Wales (1 Viewer)

Excellent Andy. I remember in the 70's driving from Leicester to Tregaron and Devils Bridge in Mid Wales more or less every year to see the few Kites remaining in the UK. (y)

In 2019 when I was over I tried hard to get a photo of one in Leicestershire and Rutland without success. Then stopping at a services on the M40 there were loads in the car park. People thought I was nuts waving a 500mm lens around to photograph them. :ROFLMAO:
Excellent Andy. I remember in the 70's driving from Leicester to Tregaron and Devils Bridge in Mid Wales more or less every year to see the few Kites remaining in the UK. (y)

In 2019 when I was over I tried hard to get a photo of one in Leicestershire and Rutland without success. Then stopping at a services on the M40 there were loads in the car park. People thought I was nuts waving a 500mm lens around to photograph them. :ROFLMAO:
My daughter was at Uni in Bucks and used to have them sitting on her tv aerial!
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