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Goshawk? Berlin (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I went looking for the famous Berlin goshawks today -- can I check whether I actually found one, rather than a female sparrowhawk? There were male sparrowhawks around as well, and this bird was significantly bigger -- I had an impression of buzzard size. If it helps, I can also provide an audio recording and picture of a nest which the bird spent some time on. Thanks!

What a great place Berlin is to see goshawks - not just in the big parks like the Tiergarten but also the smaller churchyards. The detailed views you can get of a bird that is normally not easy to see in the UK are just amazing. A long weekend there would be a great crash course for anyone who wants to familiarize him/herself with this species.
What a great place Berlin is to see goshawks - not just in the big parks like the Tiergarten but also the smaller churchyards. The detailed views you can get of a bird that is normally not easy to see in the UK are just amazing. A long weekend there would be a great crash course for anyone who wants to familiarize him/herself with this species.
Yes -- I've had glimpses in the Tiergarten, but they're easier to locate in a smaller area! This was in one of the churchyards. :)
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