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Green-billed Malkoha? Bangkok, Thailand, Oct 29, 2023 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi, this bird was photographed in Benjakiti Park in the center of Bangkok on October 29, 2023. It seems to have a very short tail for a Green-billed, only about body length, and I can not discern any white around the "eye-patch" (if there it is very faint compared to what is shown in field guides that I am aware of). On the other hand, the shape of the nostril means I think Green-billed rather than Black-belly but I am asking for others' opinions and comments, especially about the short tail and lack of white. A Singapore birder wrote a great article on telling malkohas apart by their nostril shape. If I recall correctly the round shape means green-billed. But the id marks seem to be in conflict (no white and short tail vs. round nostril). Hence my request for opinions on clarifying the id characteristics.
thank you in advance for all comments and suggestions.


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so obvious once you pointed it out. I just had a malkoha fixation:)
thanks for that, embarrassing as it is lol.
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