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Greetings from the UK (and Hong Kong)! (1 Viewer)


Hong Kong
Hi everyone! I have recently stumbled upon this forum after purchasing my first pair of beginner's binoculars for birding!
I am a random student studying in the UK who has developed an interest in studying anything related to birds (both alive and extinct). As my school (situated in a rural area) covers quite a large area of land and there are loads of birds (such as rooks, gulls, etc.) here and there, I thought that it might be good for me to take part in casual birding as well during my stay there.
Though I might know a lot of facts about random birds in my home region of Hong Kong, I still have a lot to learn when it comes to birding. I am looking forward to learning more about such a wonderful hobby from everyone in here :)
Hi MohoNobilis and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
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