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Guernsey (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I,m off to Guernsey on Monday for a week and wondered if any one as any information on what i can expect to see at this time of the year and any hotspots worth visiting.
Thanks in advance
There is an excellent book you can get soon as you reach Guernsey called 'Important Sites For Birds In The Channel Islands' and the ISBN number is 0-9518075-7-9. It was £7.80 last year. You will see a large section for Guernsey highlighting all the prime birding reserves to visit. If you can get a copy before you go then all the better.

The tactic is to visit many reserves in one day to cover your chances of a good selection of birds. I am struggling to tremember the names of reserves as most are in French but do remember Vazon Bay at high tide being excellent for waders.
malgos said:
I,m off to Guernsey on Monday for a week and wondered if any one as any information on what i can expect to see at this time of the year and any hotspots worth visiting.
Thanks in advance

Only just seen your message, Malgos. You have probably discovered these reserves by now:


As Andrew says, Vazon is excellent for waders - go the south end of Vazon (Fort Le Crocq) - it's usually good there.

Look forward to hearing about your stay - the wind is really strong at the moment, let's hope it dies off a bit while you are here. Enjoy and good luck!

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