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Gull, Atlantic Ocean (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear Members and Bird Watchers!

West of Gibraltar Strait, in the Atlantic between Portugal and Morrocco

I did not brought any of my bird watching equipment and I have a poor internet via satellite. So I would really appreciate some help from the forum members (Not the first time)

Gull, and my guess is a Greater Black-backed because of the pink feet.

Any thoughts about my ID? It is a young bird but what gull is it?

Kind Regards and Happy Birding


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Hello Aladdin,

its a 1st cycle=1cy Yellow legged Gull imo.

Please note, that a solid tail band like in your Gull is bad for same aged Great black backed Gull.
Apart from that, iyour Gull looks good for the common species in thst region, including dark underwing and a quite pale head including the right brownish washed mask behind the eye.

Your Gull looks like the few 1cy YLG I saw recently in SW-Germany, but yes its a difficult group and better wait for confirmation as always. Thanks!
Hello Aladdin,

its a 1st cycle=1cy Yellow legged Gull imo.

Please note, that a solid tail band like in your Gull is bad for same aged Great black backed Gull.
Apart from that, iyour Gull looks good for the common species in thst region, including dark underwing and a quite pale head including the right brownish washed mask behind the eye.

Your Gull looks like the few 1cy YLG I saw recently in SW-Germany, but yes its a difficult group and better wait for confirmation as always. Thanks!
Thank you!

Appreciated I would never have thought about the yellow-legged gul it was a huge bird and I saw the pink leg so I was thinking great black back.

Thanks again!
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