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Hawk in San Diego, CA, USA (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
I took this photo in the University Heights area of San Diego last week. I think it's a Cooper's Hawk, but I've never been to San Diego before, and I know there are hawks on the West Coast that we don't see in the east, so it might be something I've never seen before. Can anyone confirm or correct my ID? Thanks!


  • CoopersHawk_12-25-23_7921.jpg
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  • CoopersHawk_12-25-23_7925.jpg
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More likely a Sharp-shinned imo. Tail feathers look like they're all the same length in 2nd pic, also has a small head.
I agree with Cooper's hawk. This is an immature bird, indicated by the yellow eye and plumage. Even though some head feathers are raised, it appears to have the flatter head of the Cooper's. Also the brown streaks on the chest do not continue into the belly.
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