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Hello can any body help me i saw an eagle in pinoso i have seen Golden short toed and booted the last 2 summer visitors (1 Viewer)

Andy Donald

New member
United Kingdom
I was out walking in pinoso alicante today and saw an eagle. I have seen Golden once
and booted and short toed eagles summer visitors. I did not have binoculars but it was a very big eagle and it's wings were slightly raised and patches on the top of it'd wings as I was above the bird walking up the hill at the back of Pinoso can anybody help me with identification of this eagle
Thanks Andy
Hi Andy and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. I've moved your post to the ID forum, as I think you're more likely to get the assistance you need in there.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
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