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Honey Buzzards in Northumberland (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Having read the man Nick Rossiters website i notice that he has a large number of nests found last season. Is there anyone out there who can shed any light on the accuracy of these incredible figures.Has anyone actually seen any of these birds? If these figures are true then i suspect the county will soon become the mecca for Honey watchers
I think it fair to say that this has been "done to death" in the past on BirdForum e.g. http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=23909

I think its relevant as the figures produced there are more than are known for the rest of the country and its still ongoing. As for this being done to death The same could be said for a lot of the other threads on here, due to the vast size of bird forum most topics are repeated but still debated.
I wasn't suggesting that further discussion of new information shouldn't happen just that there has already been substantial (and at times heated) discussion already that should be taken into account.
I think its relevant as the figures produced there are more than are known for the rest of the country and its still ongoing. As for this being done to death The same could be said for a lot of the other threads on here, due to the vast size of bird forum most topics are repeated but still debated.

I think that what Robin is trying to point out is that there is a great deal of scepticism about the accuracy of the identification of these birds.
I think that what Robin is trying to point out is that there is a great deal of scepticism about the accuracy of the identification of these birds.

Having looked at the old thread again, I see that you are well aware of this already - are you trying to stir things up, by any chance?
Having looked at the old thread again, I see that you are well aware of this already - are you trying to stir things up, by any chance?

What do you mean stir things up, this is a forum isnt it ?I'm just trying to get some independant local verification as to some of the figures that have been published for last season on his site. All done in the interests of accuracy, as the figures he quotes would form a very significant percentage of the UK total if correct
I am lead to believe northumberland is top secret on that front,the only way to find out is to sample the place,as i have had a few conflicting reports!
I am lead to believe northumberland is top secret on that front,the only way to find out is to sample the place,as i have had a few conflicting reports!
I did email him last season offering to have a look with him, but the reply wasn't encouraging. I think Nick has a bit of a problem with Welsh Honey seekers:h?: There are real Honeys to be getting on with down here though. To be honest the amount of nests he has apparently found he should at least have some phots of clutches or young. Every nest we find in Wales the chicks are rung, measurements and weights taken. All this then stands you in good stead when you produce your totals, so far i see no firm evidence on his site that conclusively proves what he says with regards to the number of Honeys in the area., but it would be good to be proved wrong
<snip> I'm just trying to get some independant local verification as to some of the figures that have been published for last season on his site. All done in the interests of accuracy, as the figures he quotes would form a very significant percentage of the UK total if correct

Whilst I appreciate your motive, the accuracy would still be questionable as honey buzzards have recently been successful in at least one other county and this has been kept as secret as possible for obvious reasons. Similarly, it is difficult to know whether these birds were included in the UK total you refer to.
I am lead to believe northumberland is top secret on that front,the only way to find out is to sample the place,as i have had a few conflicting reports!

Yes these birds are that secret that only one Northumberland birder knows were they are. Believe me, they have been looked for by many others.
Yes these birds are that secret that only one Northumberland birder knows were they are. Believe me, they have been looked for by many others.

So i take it that no one else seems to be able to verify the claims made on the website. Why on earth then does he keep adding such outlandish figures to it. Do you think hes playing a waiting game(as Honeys will surely appear there one season) and then say here we are, i wasn't making it up after all:h?:
Don't get me wrong, Honey have been seen in Northumberland, but these are mainly passage birds. I will be very surprised if there isn't at least one pair breeding in Northumberland but Northumberland is a massive county with a lot of suitable habitat. However we will keep looking and hopefully one day Nick will prove us all wrong!
Don't get me wrong, Honey have been seen in Northumberland, but these are mainly passage birds. I will be very surprised if there isn't at least one pair breeding in Northumberland but Northumberland is a massive county with a lot of suitable habitat. However we will keep looking and hopefully one day Nick will prove us all wrong!

Well if you read the diary on his website he seems to think that they are there to breed again, with several sightings at named places. I dont know what to make of it all- i think he's dug himself into a hole originally and cant get out of it...
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