My wife has her heart set on a trip to iceland next year. Primarily for non wildlife stuff but she would like to see large whales.
I'd like that but the lister in me would rather see something new (have already seen Minke and Fin, and she wnats to see blue humpback or sperm whale) so would like to maximise the chances of different great whale species or orca.
I know there isn't much variety in wildlife on the island and that most of the interesting (from a uk perspective) things tend to be on the north coast (a quick google suggests a a lot of the whales are to)
Has anyone here combined a touristy (vulcanism, springs, swimming) type trip with wildlife excursions and have any tips or any day guides?
We're limited to school holidays (or maybe a long weekend) so late july or late may seem the most doable whereas june seems to the best time.
I'd like that but the lister in me would rather see something new (have already seen Minke and Fin, and she wnats to see blue humpback or sperm whale) so would like to maximise the chances of different great whale species or orca.
I know there isn't much variety in wildlife on the island and that most of the interesting (from a uk perspective) things tend to be on the north coast (a quick google suggests a a lot of the whales are to)
Has anyone here combined a touristy (vulcanism, springs, swimming) type trip with wildlife excursions and have any tips or any day guides?
We're limited to school holidays (or maybe a long weekend) so late july or late may seem the most doable whereas june seems to the best time.