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ID help for Lark or Finch from Deosai, Pakistan. (1 Viewer)


Need help identifying the bird from Deosai National Park (elevation of around 4000m or 13000ft), Pakistan (July 2022).
no other angle available unfortunately.


  • Unknown -7-17.jpg
    Unknown -7-17.jpg
    601 KB · Views: 83
  • Unknown -7-18.jpg
    Unknown -7-18.jpg
    613.6 KB · Views: 83
For sure it's a lark. It's really worn and bleached... Anyway, the rather long and slender bill plus long primary projection should make it a Tibetan Lark I think.
Not a species that I'm at all familiar with but agree with Roland's conclusion that its a Tibetan Lark. Re bill, the angle foreshortens but you can still make out the curved culmen.

I was not aware Tibetan occurs/has been recorded in Pakistan but the location is not far from Ladakh where it does occur. Habitat/altitude look spot-on.

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