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ID help in New Jersey USA - Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher ??? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
Had a visitor this morning that I think may be a Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher?
Can anyone confirm or is it possibly some other type?
Pic taken in Southern NJ today, and for size...you can scale it by my finger 😁
I have shots from every angle if it helps 🤷‍♂️
It's one of the yellowish warblers... more shots would be helpful: head, breast, rump, tail..

Maybe an immature prairie warbler?
It's one of the yellowish warblers... more shots would be helpful: head, breast, rump, tail..

Maybe an immature prairie warbler?
It's a warbler. Looks like a Prairie Warbler
I saw warbler pics that looked similar...but thought this might be one of the flycatchers that work the fences in my yard...
Tried to post a video, but it said the file was too large... but here's some more pics from other angles...

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How did you get it to land on your finger ?
It somehow got in my fishbowl room. LOL
Was sitting on the light wiring so I just put my finger up to his chest like any other bird...

Tried to post the video here but the file is too large...I'll post a link to it when I put it on Youtube, but I don't want to be wrong on the ID
Wow, that's amazing. I'll stick with a young Prairie Warbler. I don't think an adult would sit in your hand like that.
Only thing that bothers me is the white wing bar/patch. It should be yellow-ish for Prairie, but maybe at a young age it's white-ish (?)

Think we may need a couple more opinions to be sure.
Wow, that's amazing. I'll stick with a young Prairie Warbler. I don't think an adult would sit in your hand like that.
Only thing that bothers me is the white wing bar/patch. It should be yellow-ish for Prairie, but maybe at a young age it's white-ish (?)

Think we may need a couple more opinions to be sure.

Well I posted it to Youtube as a yellow prairie warbler ... If it turns out incorrect, I will have to fix it LOL.
Here's the footage/video ...🕊️

PS: Many animals are not afraid of me for some reason. 🤷‍♂️
I'm pretty happy with Prairie as an ID, but wait for somebody who knows their warblers better to confirm.
Wow, that's amazing. I'll stick with a young Prairie Warbler. I don't think an adult would sit in your hand like that.
Only thing that bothers me is the white wing bar/patch. It should be yellow-ish for Prairie, but maybe at a young age it's white-ish (?)

Think we may need a couple more opinions to be sure.

I'm pretty happy with Prairie as an ID, but wait for somebody who knows their warblers better to confirm.

I was just told by some locals here, that it's a Cape May Warbler... (and I'm in South Jersey about an hour from Cape May)

Looks like a spot-on match, white streak and all.

would you all here agree ?
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Not a lot of photos of females or immatures there, but the very first one looks like a good match: thick white wing bar, grey cap, just the right hints of cheek patch and eye line, and the many small dots on the upper breast, all the way to the centerline and high
just under the throat. (By contrast I have yet to see a photo of Prairie Warbler with spots in the centerline of the breast)
I was just told by some locals here, that it's a Cape May Warbler... (and I'm in South Jersey about an hour from Cape May)

Looks like a spot-on match, white streak and all.

would you all here agree ? I did have concern with the white wing bar. I couldn’t think of anything else before but Cape May makes some sense now. Immature birds and some fall Warblers can be tough to ID. I’m no expert. There are people with much more knowledge here on this forum.
Ok that does make some sense now. I was a little concerned with the white wing bar or patch on a Prairie Warbler. Fall warblers and immature birds can be tough to ID. I’m no expert.

Btw ... this species isn’t only found in Cape May. It was first found there I assume in Cape May and got its name based on the location.
Yes, Cape May Warbler. We have them in Northern New Jersey as well, not just Cape May. They have been migrating through the past few weeks.

What a great video!
My Buddy the Cape May Warbler came Back today ! .... With a whole Bunch of FRIENDS !!!
So I put together a nice video for you all to enjoy... 😁

...and Thanks again everyone, for all the help. (y)
Warblers and Kinglets etc have been moving through my yard in waves here in Southern PA the last few days. Cape May is getting even more by the looks of it. I’ve attached a link to the Cape May Morning Flight records from Sunday.

Cape May Morning Flight
Neat Chart... The listing of all the types broken down is great, now I have a decent list of birds I might see...
Definitely going to refer to this a few times again. Thanks for the link. (y)
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