I'd go for the TSN-502 if I were you. I have the TSN-501 and wish I'd bought the straight version instead. I did get the Opticron MM4/50 with SDL zoom eyepiece in its straight version, but it is significantly heavier and more expensive. The TSN-501 was surprisingly good for the price, and its incredible light weight means you'd keep it as a go-everywhere scope even if you eventually upgrade.
I am able to hand-hold my Opticron at the highest 36x magnification if braced against a window or the like.
I wish more scope makers (or any scope maker, really) would make a reflex (dot sight) accessory for their scopes. I'm planning on designing and 3D-printing my own mount for one of the inexpensive ones meant for pistols in my copious spare time.
I am able to hand-hold my Opticron at the highest 36x magnification if braced against a window or the like.
I wish more scope makers (or any scope maker, really) would make a reflex (dot sight) accessory for their scopes. I'm planning on designing and 3D-printing my own mount for one of the inexpensive ones meant for pistols in my copious spare time.
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