The IBWO search team had both autonomous 'robo-birders' and recording units out in the field recording for years, contrary to suggestions upthread there are no incontrovertible audio recordings, faint possible recordings have been shown to have similar acoustic signatures to other
sound sources.
I'll add that most of those initially involved have washed their hands of the story as a salutary lesson in evidence. You
won't find a validated 21st century record of IBWO on the flagship citizen science initiative of the institution that broke the story.
Too funny. In a prior post I asked if you had any circa 2005 notes or posts that doubted the IB Persists paper. I suspected you had no written comments/notes/posts and are a casual follower at best of the actual evidence and its meaning. I believe you accepted the sighting and evidence then and now are seeing the alleged light. I asked what are the weaknesses in the Science evidence listing the AR video and spectacular restored IMWO film as a primary nexus point.
You then avoid the pivotal AR video with plenty of data on a putative IB. You ignore the minute long Imperial film. You have either failed to view or grasp, it or purposely ignore the implications of the Imperial Woodpecker film. You exhibit political acumen, by obfuscating, but this is a scientific question. You do not ignore wing beat HZ and the only videos of the N clade of Campephilus spp.. PIWO and IBWO are not congenerics, their body weight, wing loading, wing shape, etc are so different its makes it impossible to have the same wing beat HZ. How many PIWOs have you seen flying?
Look at wing loading. Do you realize the IB weighs 1.8 times a PIWO but has ~ the same wing surface area. Which bird is likely to have the higher wing beat Hz?
Tobalske one of the world leaders in avian flight dynamics has made it clear that IBWO with IMWO vs PIWO are expected to have quite different flight mechanics. He directly commented on the Collin's underflight bird and said it was a large woodpecker with a very high Hz. The AR flyaway correlate perfectly in wing beat HZ with the LA bird and not PIWO. And as predicted, the IMWO turned out to be ~ 10% slower than IBWO but still higher than any known PIWO video. PIWOs have independently in via studies to always drop off quickly to 5-6 Hz by 3 secs after takeoff.
PIWO cannot fly as seen in all the pertinent videos of IB; its impossible. THERE ARE NO PIWO VIDEOS OF THE SEVERAL THOUSAND that match the subject IB videos.
In the AR video before the flight sequence there is a 20 inch tall bird clinging to a trunk, with a white Campephilus wing saddle. It doesn't get much easier. This is often missed, but the bird is there on a tree and then gone from the same tree soon after.
After totally skipping the video evidence you note a poor, vague, misleading paper on duck clap sounds, that tries to, but does not confuse even a small part of the IB data (assuming you know your field sounds/conditions and zoogeographic distribution of Anatidae in the US).. I have never heard any duck wing claps in IB habitat or any marsh. waterbody and besides there would also be other duck noises/vocals on the ARU. IB ARU were set up in forest where Gadwalls etc, are not found. Some ARU DKs do not match the duck wing bangs. DK evidence also included human detection of Camp-like DKs that came from different areas over short time periods where no Gadwalls were noted
Ducks were absent or scarce in the immediate AR area and are not common at all on the Choctaw of FL where many more DKs were recorded along with very good sightings. The DKs were recorded in dry forest and wet forest. Gadwalls are not found there. Wood Ducks are in both AR and FL but I see no data on that these small ducks produce these alleged wing clap sounds that ARs record like Camp. DKs. Regardless DKs were heard by many people and kents, including me, from DIFFERENT LOCATIONS within a 15 minute period . Ducks do not produce loud kents nor do nuthatches with the volume that IBs are capable of. DKs that I have heard in 7 countries do not sound like duck wing claps that I read about and have heard . Some ARU DKs were triangulated by human observers, they were Camp. like with strong volume, from forest where there are no Gadwalls or other ducks and were unlike any alleged duck clap sounds.
Many kents were also recorded in at least FL (a few maybe in LA, AR also).
Almost all field birders can distinguish a Camp. DK from duck wings. The opinion that the AR DK data should be thrown is not supported if every 2004-5 DK is carefully taken in field context and habitat context.
You avoid several written field note submittals, as mistakes, and a no mistake video of a flying bird,, and the same bird perched (a woodpecker) matching IB in all ways and settle on a misleading paper of duck claps. LOL
And hope you haven't invented this alleged original authors distancing themselves from the initial paper as their judgement on evidence quality. Can't wait to hear confirmation that you spoke to most of the 17 authors and initials of the enlightened ones .
Again, Too funny. thanks3