laurent raty
This is it I guess
Yes, the link was quoted in Xenospiza's post. It's not a published work.
Based on a cursory look at it :
- We are only really shown Bayesian results. In the text, we are told that : "All major clade nodes have 100% bootstrap support in the Bayesian consensus tree while the RAxML tree agrees on the major topology (Figure 3)." This gives no clear information whatsoever about how the "major topology" was supported by the ML analyses. The support given to the nodes uniting some of the "major clades" could perfectly be miserable.
- The rooting of the tree depends entirely on the single Nycticorax that was used as outgroup. This taxon will be very much more distant from the ingroup than the taxa in the ingroup are from one another, which will make rooting difficult -- particularly as the inter-node distances are quite short (*).
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