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Lesser Whitethroat ? East London (1 Viewer)

This discussion was on saturday. Collared Doves UK and Fuerteventura | BirdForum
More photos taken of low-grade images on a small screen. Can you please take note of, and act respectfully towards, all the many people who object to you doing this - and stop doing it? Thanks.
Post in thread 'Epping Forest-female Great Spotted Woodpecker with a seemingly red forehead?' Epping Forest-female Great Spotted Woodpecker with a seemingly red forehead?

A “staggering” image from the ABC Alexander😮👍 TFS!

After looking at the image that Fern supplied, I noted that (taken) in Florida on the same latitude as the Canaries (FTV), there might be a tendency for Collared Dove to morph into a “warmer” cosmetic as they range South?

My garden bird was very “cold” by comparison perhaps more research might “shed some light” on this?

Regarding….“when he finds the time”.
I did spend some time looking for the original jpgs. but could not find them, because my software is old and the system is “overloaded” with images, to the point where the “individual images” are not shown on the software.

Instead all images shown are “the same” and to compound it, the numbered sequencing (as seen in camera) is totally different to the numbers shown on the software screen.
Thus it’s almost impossible to find individual images other than going through c500 images one by one!

When at day end, the “difference” in quality is so negligible, as to not warrant the effort required for said task.


Suddenly going back to a comment that was made 2½ months ago, long before the supposed 'explanation', makes it look rather as though you are...
This comment does not refer to that thread, it forgets that it ever took place
Sorry, but I don't understand your previous comment - and I suspect you have got confused here. In your post #59 you appeared to criticise my post #20 which I made 2½ months ago; you appear to think that your criticism of something that happened 2½ months ago is justified by something that somebody said only a few days ago. This doesn't seem rational. Can you now drop this, please? Thanks.
Well you were right on the Chiffchaff. Came back a couple more times and heard it calling in the elderberry tree at bottom of garden. More excitingly, there's a Cetti's Warbler I've hear calling in the trees behind my garden. Now, if that elusive little chap came in I'd be completely lost for words. Common Whitethroat is still visiting but Lesser has definitely gone.
Sounds like you’re living in a Warbler Mecca Liverbird!
Watch for those “fast” flick movements, you might be even “more” surprised one day…as I have been.👍
Warning! This thread is more than 2 years ago old.
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