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Lumix G9 and macro lens (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
Hi folks, Just joined the forum, hello to you all.
I have a Lumix G9 and want to attach an Irix 150mm f2.8 macro lens for butterfly and insect photography. The Irix lens has a Canon EF mount and the Lumix is micro 4 thirds. Can anyone advise me on a suitable adaptor?
The Irix lens is a manual, so no autofocus.
Welcome to the forum.

I assume you already own that lens? There are some really good native m43 auto-focussing macro lenses if not.

I am no expert but I believe all you need is any “dumb” EF to m43 adapter being as you’re manual focussing. A quick search finds them for £20 or so e.g. on Amazon.
I've used old Nikkors on Lumix cameras with simple dumb adaptors and they work fine. Something like the inexpensive Olympus 60mm macro makes life easier though.
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