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Lumix LX7 and similar with Kowa 880 (2 Viewers)


Active member
Hello - I wonder if anyone can help. I have just purchased a Kowa 884 with the 25-60x eyepiece. And I already have a Lumix LX7 compact camera. Can anyone suggest how to connect? Kowa website suggests DA10 adaptor: but I think this means the camera's extensile zoom must bear the weight of the camera, which doesn't sound like a good idea...
Hello - I wonder if anyone can help. I have just purchased a Kowa 884 with the 25-60x eyepiece. And I already have a Lumix LX7 compact camera. Can anyone suggest how to connect? Kowa website suggests DA10 adaptor: but I think this means the camera's extensile zoom must bear the weight of the camera, which doesn't sound like a good idea...

If that's the case, how about getting the universal type adapter from Digidapter? It fits for compact size cameras as well. The adapter mounted on the tripod base on your camera and not on the lens. Google it
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