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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Mallorca 2022 (3 Viewers)

I thought a trip to the central plain was in order, if only to avoid being devoured by mosquitoes at the Cap.
It was a warm and sunny 26 degrees there, and I immediately locked on to the meridionalis grey shrike.
It’s a beautiful bird and I watched it hunting for at least half an hour.
After each kill, it seems to go to a different perch, unlike many species which go back to the same place.
It then goes walkabout for quite some time, before returning to its favourite area around the fig trees.
I didn’t see any migrant raptors as I had hoped, but there were plenty of other birds to keep the spirits up.
Lots of Corn buntings, Meadow pipits, Skylarks and Goldfinch.
Local raptors included Red kite, a Black kite, Booted eagle, Common kestrel and Marsh harrier.
It’s a lovely place, big open spaces with panoramic views of the sky. Just the kind of environment I so enjoy.
Getting messages from Swiss Mike and Geordie David didn’t help though, Northumberland is awash with rare and scarce species at the moment so I quite fancied being up there for a while.
But as I watched a Marsh harrier quartering the fields, I eased back in my chair, took another sip of coffee and thought what a lucky chap I was.
Can you help us with this one from Maristany ?


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Mirella saw and photographed 4 Caspian terns from Cala Serena, going south, very close to my local lighthouse, which they would have flown right past.

Pep and Carlos found a Red-throated pipit at Prat de San Jordi. A very nice bird.

Good to have some nice birds to report.

A quickie at the lighthouse, Porto Petro tonight, hoping to catch another Storm petrel.
I arrived at 6.30 pm. and I didn’t have to wait long. At 6.45, a little darling came whizzing into view, followed closely by a second bird.
As I panned across the water, a Balearic shearwater came into view, thus allowing a direct comparison of size.
Storm petrels are really tiny but such charismatic birds. The white rump isn’t always obvious when they are at full pelt on a choppy sea. I got three good flashes though, which sent a shiver of delight right through my body. A sure sign that I have seen a very special bird.
They most certainly are.
Hi. Just been watching a gathering of 10ish raptors over the southern end of Albufera, quite distant from where I am. The obvious guess would be marsh harriers but having only seen singles all week I wonder if there has been a passage of something else or if these might be passing harriers? Any ideas appreciated. Thanks Tom
Hi. Just been watching a gathering of 10ish raptors over the southern end of Albufera, quite distant from where I am. The obvious guess would be marsh harriers but having only seen singles all week I wonder if there has been a passage of something else or if these might be passing harriers? Any ideas appreciated. Thanks Tom
What about Griffon vultures, always look raptor ish.
We had this one on a long distance today around 3 in the afternoon. Seen from central S'albufera looking South. The size difference to the annoyed marsh harrier is striking. Is it one of the few golden eagles on mallorca?


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We had this one on a long distance today around 3 in the afternoon. Seen from central S'albufera looking South. The size difference to the annoyed marsh harrier is striking. Is it one of the few golden eagles on mallorca?
Here is “the mallorca golden eagle” photographed directly over the main entrance road into Albufera early May this year.


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Apologies, some are of these are vultures!! The perils of using mobile phone sized images.


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Just back from the lighthouse, Portopetro.
9 Scopoli’s shearwaters and one Balearic shearwater failed to lift the gloom at not seeing any storm petrels.
The shearwaters were far out so if the petrels did the same, they would be very hard to spot in the still choppy sea.
On a happier note, Pep and other locals are on the island of Cabrera hoping for some rarities. There have been some nice birds and quite a fall of thrushes, robins, wagtails (alba), 2 Ring ouzel, Dunnocks, Siskins, redstarts, a Merlín and hundreds of Common starling.
Juanjo reports a common swift in Petra.
First of all, I must apologise for a very late post. The photos are from last Wednesday the 19th, when I had a day out taking in the Albufera, Maristany and The Albufereta.

My wife Jan and I are in the process of repairing and painting our house. So, I`ve been very busy.
Anyway, at the Albufera on Wednesday, there was a lot more water than the previous week, hence not too many small waders. However, as always at the Albufera there were lots of lovely birds on show. Grey Heron, Night Heron, Purple Swamp Hen, Loads of Teal and Shoveller, Lapwing, Shelduck, Marbled Duck- (there were 36 of them at Cibollar 2) Kingfisher, Snipe, Flamingo, Glossy Ibis, Spotted Redshank, Ruff, Marsh Harrier (as always).

At Maristany, the recent rainfall has done away with the previous dried out Lunar landscape and has made the main lake look a lot healthier. The stand out bird was the Coscoroba Swan (A South American Species) which was constantly calling and has been hanging around at Maristany for some time. It`s fairly certain that this bird is an escapee. But whatever, I think it`s a cute bird. A Booted Eagle spent some time circling around and I had a brief view of a Grey Wagtail. But not much other that Coots Moorhens, Cattle and Little Egrets, Little Grebes and Black Headed and Yellow Legged Gulls.

The Albufereta definitely looked a lot healthier following the recent rainfall. There were 4 Great White Egrets, Green Sandpipers, Greenshanks, Flamingos, Grey Plovers as well as pretty much the same species as were at Maristany.
I spent some time on the wooden tower before making my way to the new hide and on my way there I found a female Pied Flycatcher in exactly the same tree where I found a female Pied Flycatcher in April: same bird? doubtful.

So, no new species for my year list, but a good day out, nonetheless.
Back to painting tomorrow.


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As I had no wish to donate further blood to the mosquito bank, I pulled up at passage 5.
It’s very peaceful there and is the easiest and most reliable site for Rock sparrow.
I saw three in the company of a flock of Goldfinch. There were a few Linnet, a male Northern wheatear, Skylarks, Thekla larks, 2 Marsh harrier, a Red kite and an Eleonora’s falcon flew low and strongly to the south.
A Monarch butterfly fluttered south, a White wagtail appeared and lots of Ravens were tumbling around a perfect blue sky. It’s still too hot though, this summer just goes on and on. Oh for a nice cool, rainy day.
No other news. I hope the contingent on Cabrera are having fun. I know I would be, it’s a most attractive Island and a beautiful place to spend time.


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Jason has found a Yellow-browed warbler in Felanitx, a great find.
I’m hoping for one on the east coast one day. Maybe there will be another Red-flanked bluetail as well.
We will see what late October and early November will bring.
I will be going to Sa Barrala quite a bit. The fields at the back of the salt pans and the polo pitch are superb for buntings and Pipits.
We have been 3 days in the Cabrera National Park (it is very easy to go with the boat from Colonia Sant Jordi and now there is a refuge with 12 places on the island where you can sleep) and it is a worthwhile experience.

Hundreds or thousands of robins, redtails, starlings, thrushes and much less of other species.

The great advantage of Cabrera is how confident the birds are, it is something I have never seen elsewhere, which allows you to take spectacular photos.

In addition to the common birds and those already mentioned above, we also saw:
Ring ouzel
Spanish Sparrow (unconfirmed)
Common whitethroat
Iberian ChiffChaff
Mistle thrush
Many Balearic warblers
And the strangest thing: 1 Rail!!
In short, some very special days in a very special place (we were Maties, Carlos López, Dani Zamora and me)

I almost forget it, none of Monarch in the island, 0 during the 3 days.


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