An early morning start down at my local port, camera in hand, waiting for that lovely Kingfisher to show.
It didn’t of course.
I then went up to San Salvador where views of the whole Island are possible. My target bird was alpine accentor but I didn’t see any. As I looked out over Mallorca with mist hanging in the low bits, I felt very lucky indeed. Birding not only takes us to some fabulous places, but also at dawn and dusk, arguably the best birding times.
I then made for Vilafranca where the lanius meridionalis was still present in its favoured location.
Large groups of thrushes were moving around in the distance but sadly they were all too distant. I pondered on what they might be and dreamt about seeing redwing and Fieldfare but I just couldn’t make out any details at all.
I had to come home so I failed to get to s’Albufera yet again.
Still, it was a beautiful day and one which made me feel how fortunate I am to have such an absorbing hobby. Most of my retired friends here are either bored or on the golf course. Same thing I would say.
Mind you, they think I’m the mad one, getting up in the dark and going up north to look at birds.
I suppose they’ve got a point.