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We have scheduled an afternoon trip out to the deepwater Noyo Canyon area where we have often found concentrations of seabirds and cetaceans. The trip will depart Noyo Harbor, Fort Bragg, California at 1 PM and return at 6 PM, going about 10-15 miles offshore. Expected birds include Sooty, Pink-footed, and Buller's Shearwaters, Northern Fulmar, Black-footed Albatross, Pomarine Jaeger, Cassin's and Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murres, Red-necked and Red Phalaropes. We also often see Tufted Puffin and Sabine's Gull, Parasitic and Long-tailed Jaegers, Laysan Albatross, and Arctic or Common Terns. Humpback Whales are all but certain, Blue and Fin Whales are fairly regular, and we usually encounter pods of Pacific White-sided Dolphin with a few Northern Right-whale Dolphin tagging along. All this in an afternoon trip! The diversity and concentration at these shelf canyons is remarkable.
If you're interested, email me: audubon at MCN dot org.
If you're interested, email me: audubon at MCN dot org.